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Lessons Learned Quarterly Report, December 2016

Welcome to the 89th quarterly report on lessons learned in the NEPA process. This issue highlights “Making NEPA Connections,” the October 2016 meeting of DOE’s NEPA Compliance Officers (NCOs).

The articles include:

2016 NCO Meeting Promotes “Making NEPA Connections”
     CEQ Updates
     Ensuring NEPA Document Quality
     Integrating NEPA and Project Management
     Environmental Justice and NEPA
     Tribal Involvement in the NEPA Process
Training Opportunities
EPA’s EJ 2020 Action Agenda
Implementing CEQ’s GHG Guidance
RAPID Toolkit
EIS and EA Distribution Guidance
Contracting Update
Transitions: New and Retiring NCOs
EAs and EISs Completed This Quarter
Cost and Time Facts
Questionnaire Results

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