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CharityWatch, founded more than 20 years ago as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog. CharityWatch does not merely repeat what a charity reports using simplistic or automated formulas. We dive deep to let you know how efficiently a charity will use your donation to fund the programs you want to support. CharityWatch exposes nonprofit abuses and advocates for your interests as a donor.

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Detailed information about the charities which earn Top-Rated status from CharityWatch is now available to the public.

Long Running Family Charity Scheme Exposed

Unfortunately for most of us we have been touched personally by cancer in some way That makes it all the...


Follow the Money: Beware of Groups that Pass Your Donations to Inefficient Charities

Say that you hear on a news report that a veterans charity has a ninety-six percent program services ratio You...


Multiple Names + Exaggerated Programs = Two Related Charities, But Little Help for Vets or Cancer Relief

Veterans and cancer are two of the most popular charitable causes to which Americans direct significant donations While these two...


Celebrity Charity Finances Are Hidden Behind Closed Doors

In addition to giving back to the community or supporting a cause with a personal connection there are a variety...


"CharityWatch has warned in advance of coming scandals at Feed the Children, Central Asia Institute, and Wounded Warrior Project. "

Barrons, 06/18/2016

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"I'm (Daniel Borochoff, CharityWatch President) glad to see our government regulators are putting a stop to these four [sham cancer] outfits that for too long have been misleading the public and wasting millions of our charitable dollars ... This is a significant action, but it's the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of other problems like this out there ... I hope they continue to go after some of these questionable operators."

The Washington Post, 5/19/2015

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