Endangered Species
Midwest Region



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Endangered, Threatened, Proposed and Candidate Species in the Upper Midwest (Region 3)

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For Section 7 Consultation purposes, please use the endangered species county distribution lists.


List Revised October 2016




Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis)

Status: Threatened, listed March 24, 2000

Critical Habitat designated

Habitat: Mix of evergreens and hardwoods, such as maple and birch; interspersion of mature and young forest

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities , Minnesota Field Office

Range: California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming


Canada Lynx Home


Gray bat (Myotis grisescens)

Status: Endangered, listed April 28, 1975

Habitat: Use caves year-round. During winter, gray bats hibernate in deep, vertical caves. In summer, they roost and form maternity colonies in caves which are scattered along rivers.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Alabama , Arkansas , Florida , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana , Kansas , Kentucky , Missouri , Oklahoma , Tennessee , Virginia , West Virginia


Gray Bat Home


Gray wolf (Canis lupus)

first listed March 11, 1967


Due to a Federal court decision, wolves in the western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment (including Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) were relisted under the Endangered Species Act, effective December 19, 2014. Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment


Status: Endangered - http://ecos.fws.gov/speciesProfile/profile/speciesProfile?spcode=A00D

Status: Threatened - Minnesota


Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis)

Status: Endangered, first listed March 11, 1967

Habitat: Summer habitat includes small to medium river and stream corridors with well developed riparian woods; woodlots within 1 to 3 miles of small to medium rivers and streams; and upland forests. Caves and mines as hibernacula.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Bloomington, Indiana Field Office

Range: Alabama , Arkansas , Connecticut , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Kentucky , Maryland , Michigan , Mississippi , Missouri , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Oklahoma , Pennsylvania , Tennessee , Vermont , Virginia , West Virginia


Indiana Bat Home


Indiana Bat Critical Habitat

Designated September 24, 1976 Critical habitat has been designated for hibernacula: Blackball Mine in LaSalle County, Illinois; Big Wyandotte Cave in Crawford County and Ray's Cave in Greene County, Indiana; Onyx Cave in Crawford County, Cooper Hollow Sink Cave and Bear (Mud Sink) Cave in Franklin County, Pilot Knob Mine in Iron County, Great Scott Cave in Washington County, and Bat Cave in Shannon County, Missouri


Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis)

Status: Threatened: April 2, 2015

Habitat: Hibernates in caves and mines - swarming in surrounding wooded areas in autumn. During late spring and summer roosts and forages in upland forests.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office

Range: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.


Northern Long-eared Bat Home


Ozark big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii ingens)

Status: Endangered, listed November 30, 1979

Habitat: Caves in limestone karst regions dominated by mature hardwood forest

Lead Region: 2

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas and Missouri


Ozark Big-Eared Bat Home



Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

Status: Delisted

As of August 9, 2007, the bald eagle is no longer protected under the federal Endangered Species Act and Section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is no longer necessary. However, the bald eagle remains protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Click here for information about the Eagle Act and whether your action may need a permit.


Bald Eagle Home


Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) [=Dendroica kirtlandii]

Status: Endangered, first listed March 11, 1967

Habitat: Breeds in jack pine

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Michigan, Wisconsin


Kirtland's Warbler Home


Least tern - Interior population (Sterna antillarum)

Status: Endangered, listed May 28, 1985

Habitat:Sandbars on large rivers, dredged spoil islands, and man-made habitats that include constructed nesting islands and gravel areas near impoundments.

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas


Least Tern Home


Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) - Great Lakes population

Status: Endangered, listed December 11, 1985

Habitat: Beaches along shorelines of the Great Lakes

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Breeding Range: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin


Piping Plover Critical Habitat

Great Lakes Population Breeding Habitat Designated May 7, 2001 in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin. More about Piping Plover Critical Habitat (Great Lakes Population)


Piping Plover (Great Lakes Population) Home


Piping plover (Charadrius melodus) - Great Plains population

Status: Threatened, listed December 11, 1985

Habitat: Bare alluvial and dredged spoil islands

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities, Minnesota Field Office

Breeding Range: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota,


Piping Plover (Great Plains Population) Home


Rufa Red knot (Calidris canutus rufa)

Status: Threatened

Range: The knot migrates between breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic and several wintering regions: southeast United States, northwest Gulf of Mexico, northern Brazil and Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America. During migrations, groups of a few individuals to thousands of knots can be found anywhere along the coastal and inland U.S. migration corridors from Argentina to Canada. It is an irregular migrant through most the Region 3 states but regularly uses the Lake Michigan shoreline, in Michigan, and the Lake Erie shoreline, in Ohio.

Lead Region: Region 5


Rufa Red Knot Home

Whooping crane (Grus americana)

Status: First listed as Endangered on March 11, 1967

Non-essential, experimental population, listed June 26, 2001

Habitat: wetlands and lake shorelines

Lead Region: Region 2

Region 3 Lead Office: Green Bay, Wisconsin Field Office


Non-Essential Experimental Population: AL, AR, GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NC, OH, SC, TN, VA, WI, WV


Whooping Crane Home



Copperbelly water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta)

[northern population - north of 40 north latitude; approximately Indianapolis, Indiana]


Status: Threatened, listed January 29, 1997

Habitat: Wooded and permanently wet areas such as oxbows, sloughs, brushy ditches and floodplain woods

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Indiana, Michigan, Ohio


Copperbelly Water Snake Home


Eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus)

Status: Threatened

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Chicago Illinois Field Office

Range: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Canada (Ontario)


Eastern Massasauga Home


Lake Erie water snake (Nerodia sipedon insularum)

Status: Delisted August 2011


Lake Erie Water Snake Home



Ozark hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi)

Status: Endangered, listed October 6, 2011

Habitat: Streams of the Ozark plateau in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Missouri


Ozark Hellbender Home



Arkansas darter (Etheostoma cragini)

Status: Candidate

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma


Arkansas Darter Home


Grotto sculpin (Cottus specus)

Status: Endangered, listed Sept. 25, 2013

Habitat: Streams in cave systems, occupying pools and riffles with moderate stream flow and low to moderate stream depth. Restricted to two karst (limestone regions characterized by sink holes, abrupt ridges, caves and underground streams) areas, the Central Perryville Karst and Mystery-Rimstone Karst in Perry County, southeast Missouri.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Missouri


Grotto Sculpin Home


Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus)

Status: Threatened, listed May 22, 1990

Habitat: Medium to large rivers in shallow riffles over gravel bottoms

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma


Neosho Madtom Home


Niangua darter (Etheostoma nianguae)

Status: Threatened, listed June 12, 1985

Habitat: Clear, medium-sized streams that run off hilly areas underlain by chert and dolomite.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Missouri


Niangua Darter Critical Habitat designated June 12, 1985
Missouri: Critical habitat has been designated in Big Tavern Creek, Miller County; Brush Creek, Cedar and St. Clair Counties; Niangua River, Dallas County; and Pomme de Terre River, Greene County.


Niangua Darter Home


Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae)

Status: Threatened, listed November 1, 1984

Habitat: Caves in the Boone and Burlington limestone formations of the Ozark Mountains

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma


Ozark Cavefish Home


Pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus)

Status: Endangered, listed September 6, 1990

Habitat: Mississippi River downstream of its confluence with the Missouri River; Ohio River below Dam #53; Missouri River

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia ES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Tennessee


Pallid Sturgeon Home


Scioto madtom (Noturus trautmani)

Status: Endangered, listed September 25, 1975

Habitat: Stream riffles of moderate flow over sandy gravel bottom; may be extinct

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Ohio


Scioto Madtom Home


Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka)

Status: Endangered, listed December 15, 1998

Habitat: Small prairie streams

Lead Region: 6

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota


Topeka shiner Critical Habitat Designated July 27, 2004


Topeka Shiner Home


CLAMS (Freshwater Mussels, Unionids)

Clubshell (Pleurobema clava)

Status: Endangered, listed January 22, 1993

Habitat: Found in coarse sand and gravel areas of runs and riffles within streams and small rivers

Lead Region: 5

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia


Clubshell Home


Cracking pearlymussel (Hemistena lata)

Status: Endangered; Listed September 28, 1989 (PDF)

Species Profile


Extirpated from the Upper Midwest

Curtis' pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina curtisi)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976

Habitat: Restricted to Little Black River in Ripley County, Missouri

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Missouri


Curtis' pearlymussel Home


Fanshell (Cyprogenia stegaria (=c. irrorata))

Status: Endangered, listed June 21, 1990

Habitat: Found in areas of packed sand and gravel at locations in a good current

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Bloomington, Indiana Field Office

Range: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia


Fanshell Home


Fat pocketbook (Potamilus capax)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976

Habitat: Large rivers in slow-flowing water

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi


Fat pocketbook Home


Higgins eye pearlymussel (Lampsilis higginsii)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976

Habitat: Mississippi River and some of its larger northern tributaries (i.e., St. Croix and Wisconsin Rivers) in gravel or sand

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office

Range: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin


Higgins eye pearlymussel


Neosho mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)

Status: Endangered; Listed September 17, 2013 Adobe PDF Icon

Critical Habitat; April 30, 2015 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Rivers in stable runs, shoals, and riffles with gravely bottoms and moderate currents

Lead Region: Region 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma


Neosho mucket Home


Northern riffleshell (Epioblasma torulosa rangiana)

Status: Endangered, listed January 22, 1993 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Large streams and small rivers in firm sand of riffle areas; also occurs in Lake Erie

Lead Region: 5

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia


Northern riffleshell Home


Orangefoot pimpleback (Plethobasus cooperianus)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Gravel bars with strong currents in large rivers

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office

Range: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana (extirpated), Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee


Orange foot pimpleback pearlymussel Home


Pink mucket (Lampsilis abrupta)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: The lower Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and their larger tributaries

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia


Pink Mucket Home


Purple cat's paw pearlymussel (Epioblasma (=dysnomia) obliquata obliquata)

Status: Endangered, listed July 10, 1990 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Gravel riffles of medium to large rivers

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Ohio


Purple cat's paw pearlymussel Home


Rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica)

Status: Threatened; Listed September 17, 2013 Adobe PDF Icon

Critical Habitat; April 30, 2015 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Rivers

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office:  Columbia, Missouri Field Office

Range: AL, AR, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MO, MS, OH, OK, PA, TN


Rabbitsfoot Home


Rayed Bean (Villosa fabalis)

Status: Endangered, listed February 14, 2012 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Smaller, headwater creeks, but they are sometimes found in large rivers, and Lake Erie


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office


Range: Indiana, Michgian, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania


Rayed Bean Home


Rough pigtoe (Pleurobema plenum)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Medium to large rivers in sand and gravel


Lead Region: 4


Region 3 Lead Office: Bloomington, Indiana Field Office


Range: Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia


Rough pigtoe Home


Scaleshell (Leptodea leptodon)

Status:  Endangered, listed October 9, 2001 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Medium-sized and large rivers with stable channels and good water quality


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office:  Columbia, Missouri Field Office


Range:  Arkansas, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota


Scaleshell Home


Sheepnose (Plethobasus cyphyus)

Status: Endangered, listed March 13, 2012 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Shallow areas in larger rivers and streams


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island Illinois Field Office


Range: Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin


Sheepnose Home


Snuffbox (Epioblasma triquetra)

Status: Endangered, listed February 14, 2012 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Small to medium-sized creeks in areas with a swift current and some larger rivers, and Lake Erie


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office


Range: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin


Snuffbox Home


Spectaclecase (Cumberlandia monodonta)

Status: Endangered, listed March 13, 2012 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Large rivers in areas sheltered from the main force of the current


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office


Range: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin


Spectaclecase Home


White cat's paw pearlymussel (Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua)

Status: Endangered, listed June 14, 1976 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Firm sand or gravel riffles in small streams and medium to large rivers


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office


Range: Indiana, Ohio


White cat's paw pearlymussel Home


Winged mapleleaf (Quadrula fragosa)

Status: Endangered, listed June 20, 1991 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Medium to large rivers in mud, sand, or gravel


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office


Range: Arkansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Wisconsin


Winged mapleleaf Home


Return to Top



Iowa Pleistocene snail (Discus macclintocki)

Status: Endangered, listed August 2, 1978 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: North-facing algific talus slopes


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office


Range: Illinois, Iowa


Iowa Pleistocene Snail Home


Tumbling Creek cavesnail (Antrobia culveri)


Endangered, listed August 14, 2002 Adobe PDF Icon

Critical Habitat Designated June 28, 2011Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Tumbling Creek in Tumbling Creek cave in Taney County


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office


Range: Missouri


Tumbling Creek cavesnail Home



American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus)

Status: Endangered, listed July 13, 1989 Adobe PDF Icon


Habitat: Many types of habitat, with a slight preference for grasslands and open understory oak hickory forests. However, the beetles need carrion the size of a dove or a chipmunk to reproduce. Carrion availability may be the greatest factor determining where the species can survive.


Lead Region: 2


Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office


Range: Arkansas, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas


American burying beetle Home


Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae)

Status: Threatened; Listed October 24, 2014

Critical Habitat; October 1, 2015


Habitat: High quality tallgrass and mixed grass prairie


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office


Range: Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota


Dakota skipper Home


Hine's emerald dragonfly (Somatochlora hineana)


Endangered, listed January 26, 1995 Adobe PDF Icon

Critical Habitat Designated Sept. 5, 2007 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Spring fed wetlands, wet meadows and marshes; calcareous streams & associated wetlands overlying dolomite bedrock

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Chicago, Illinois Field Office

Range: Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin


Hine's emerald dragonfly Home


Hungerford's crawling water beetle (Brychius hungerfordi)

Status: Endangered, listed March 7, 1994 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cool riffles of clean, slightly alkaline streams; known to occur in only 3 isolated locations

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Michigan


Hungerford's crawling water beetle Home


Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis)

Status: Endangered, listed December 14, 1992 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Pine barrens and oak savannas on sandy soils and containing wild lupines (Lupinus perennis), the only known food plant of larvae.

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Green Bay, Wisconsin Field Office

Range: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota (extirpated), New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin


Karner blue butterfly Home


Mitchell's satyr butterfly (Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii)

Status: Endangered, listed June 25, 1991 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Fens, wetlands characterized by calcareous soils which are fed by carbonate-rich water from seeps and springs

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Alabama, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Virginia


Mitchell's satyr butterfly Home


Poweshiek skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek)

Status: Endangered; Listed October 24, 2014

Critical Habitat; October 1, 2015 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Remnants of tallgrass prairie and, in Michigan, fens

Lead Region: Region 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office

Range: Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin


Poweshiek skipperling Home


Rattlesnake-master Borer Moth (Papaipema eryngii)

Status: Added to Candidate List 2013

Listing Priority Number: 8

Habitat: Prairie with the plant, rattlesnake-master

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island Field Office


Current Range: AR, IL, KY, NC, OK


Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Home


Rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis)

Status: Proposed as Endangered

Habitat: Grasslands with flowering plants from April through October, underground and abandoned rodent cavities or clumps of grasses above ground as nesting sites, and undisturbed soil for hibernating queens to overwinter.

Lead Region: Region 3 (Midwest)

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office

Current Range: ILINIA, ME, MD, MA, MN, NC, OH, PA, TN, VA, WI and Ontario, Canada



cave crayfish, no common name (Cambarus aculabrum)

Status: Endangered, listed April 27, 1993 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Caves

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Missouri


crayfish (Cambarus aculabrum) species profile


Illinois cave amphipod (Gammarus acherondytes)

Status: Endangered, listed September 3, 1998 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cave streams

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office

Range: Illinois


Illinois cave amphipod Home



American hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum)

Status: Threatened, listed July 14, 1989 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cool limestone sinkholes in mature hardwood forest

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Alabama, Michigan, New York, Tennessee


American hart's-tongue fern Home


Decurrent false aster (Boltonia decurrens)

Status: Threatened, listed November 14, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Disturbed alluvial soils (Mississippi and Illinois River alluvial floodplain)

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office

Range: Illinois, Missouri


Decurrent false aster Home


Dwarf lake iris (Iris lacustris)

Status: Threatened, listed September 28, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Partially shaded sandy-gravelly soils on lakeshores

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Michigan, Wisconsin


Dwarf lake iris Home


Eastern prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea)

Status: Threatened, listed September 28, 1989 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Mesic to wet prairies and meadows

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Chicago, Illinois Field Office

Range: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia, Wisconsin


Eastern prairie fringed orchid Home


Fassett's locoweed (Oxytropis campestris var. chartacea)

Status: Threatened, listed September 28, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Open sandy lakeshores

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Wisconsin/Minnesota Field Office

Range: Wisconsin


Fassett's locoweed Home


Geocarpon (no common name) (Geocarpon minimum)

Status: Threatened, listed June 16, 1987 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Moist soils in exposed sandstone glades

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Texas


Geocarpon (Geocarpon minimum) Home


Houghton's goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii)

Status: Threatened, listed July 18, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Sandy flats along Great Lakes shores

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Michigan, New York


Houghton's goldenrod Home


Lakeside daisy (Hymenoxys herbacea (=H. acaulis var. glabra))

Status: Threatened, listed June 23, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Dry rocky prairies; limestone rock surfaces including outcrops and quarries

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Illinois, Michigan, Ohio


Lakeside daisy Home


Leafy prairie-clover (Dalea foliosa)

Status: Endangered, listed May 1, 1991 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Prairie remnants on thin soil over limestone (Des Plaine River floodplain)

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Chicago Illinois Field Office

Range: Alabama, Illinois, Tennessee


Leafy prairie-clover Home


Leedy's roseroot (Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. leedyi)

Status: Threatened, listed April 22, 1992 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cool, wet groundwater-fed limestone cliffs

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities Field Office

Range: driftless area of southeastern Minnesota


Leedy's roseroot Home


Mead's milkweed (Asclepias meadii)

Status: Threatened, listed September 1, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Prairies and rhyolite glades in Missouri

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Columbia, Missouri Field Office

Range: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin


Mead's milkweed Home


Michigan monkey-flower (Mimulus michiganensis)

Status: Endangered, listed June 21, 1990 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Soils saturated with cold flowing spring water; found along seepages, streams and lakeshores

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Michigan


Michigan monkey-flower Home


Minnesota dwarf trout lily (Erythronium propullans)

Status: Endangered, listed March 26, 1986 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: North facing slopes & floodplains in deciduous forests

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities, Minnesota Field Office

Range: Minnesota


Minnesota dwarf trout lily Home


Missouri bladder-pod (Physaria filiformis)

Status: Threatened, first listed as Endangered on January 8, 1987 Adobe PDF Icon

Reclassified to threatened Oct. 15, 2003 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Open glades in shallow limestone soils

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Missouri


Missouri Bladder-Pod Home


Northern wild monkshood (Aconitum noveboracense)

Status: Threatened, listed May 26, 1978 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cool, moist, shaded cliff faces or talus slopes in wooded ravines, near water seeps

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Green Bay, Wisconsin Field Office

Range: Iowa, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin


Northern wild monkshood Home


Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri)

Status: Threatened, listed July 18, 1988 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Stablized dunes and blowout areas
Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: East Lansing, Michigan Field Office

Range: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin


Pitcher's thistle Home


Pondberry (Lindera melissifolia)

Status: Endangered, listed July 31, 1986 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Bottomland hardwood forest, poorly drained depressions, and margins of limestone sinks

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina


Pondberry Home


Prairie bush-clover (Lespedeza leptostachya)

Status: Threatened, listed January 9, 1987 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Dry to mesic prairies with gravelly soils

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Wisconsin - Minnesota Field Office

Range: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin


Prairie bush-clover Home


Price's potato-bean (Apios priceana)

Status: Threatened, listed January 5, 1990 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Wet floodplain forests, shrubby swamps

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office

Range: Alabama, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee


Price's potato-bean Home


Running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum)

Status: Endangered, listed June 5, 1987 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Disturbed bottomland meadows; disturbed sites that have shade during part of each day

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, West Virginia


Running buffalo clover Home


Short's bladderpod (Physaria globosa)

Status: Endangered, listed August 1, 2014 Adobe PDF Icon

Critical Habitat, designated August 26, 2014 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Steep, rocky wooded slopes and talus areas, occurs along cliff tops and bases and cliff ledges. Found adjacent to rivers or streams and on south to west facing slopes. The Indiana population is found within the Shawnee Hills section of the Interior Low Plateau Physiographic Province.

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Bloomington Indiana Field Office

Range: Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee


Short's bladderpod Home


Short's goldenrod (Solidago shortii)

Status: Endangered, listed September 5, 1985 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Cedar glades and openings in oak and hickory forests

Lead Region: 4

Region 3 Lead Office: Bloomington, Indiana Field Office

Range: Indiana, Kentucky


Short's goldenrod Home


Small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides)

Status: Threatened, listed September 9, 1982 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Dry woodland; upland sites in mixed forest (second or third growth stage)

Lead Region: 5

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia


Small Whorled Pogonia Home


Virginia sneezeweed (Helenium virginicum)

Status: Threatened, listed November 3, 1998 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Sinkhole ponds

Lead Region: 5

Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office

Range: Missouri, Virginia


Virginia Sneezeweed Home


Virginia spiraea (Spiraea virginiana)

Status: Threatened, listed June 15, 1990 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Stream banks and floodplains

Lead Region: 5

Region 3 Lead Office: Ohio Field Office

Range: Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia


Virginia Spiraea Home


Western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara)

Status: Threatened, listed September 28, 1989 Adobe PDF Icon

Habitat: Wet prairies & sedge meadows

Lead Region: 3

Region 3 Lead Office: Twin Cities, Minnesota Field Office

Range: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota


Western prairie fringed orchid Home


Midwest Endangered Species Home


Last updated: December 5, 2016