Endangered Species
Midwest Region



Map of Region 3 Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan



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Endangered Species Resource Materials

Fact Sheets, Brochures, and Pamphlets


Podcasts, narrated slideshows, and video the Endangered Species Act and about specific species are available the Multimedia webpage.



- Canada lynx (PDF)
- Gray bat
- Gray wolf
- Indiana bat



- Bald eagle (a delisted species)
- Interior least tern
- Kirtland's warbler
- Piping plover
- Whooping crane (PDF)



- Copperbelly water snake
- Eastern massasauga
- Lake Erie water snake (a delisted species)



- Neosho madtom
- Niangua darter
- Ozark cavefish
- Pallid sturgeon
- Scioto madtom
- Topeka shiner


Clams (Freshwater Mussels, Unionids)

- Clubshell
- Cracking pearlymussel
- Curtis' pearlymussel
- Fanshell
- Fat pocketbook
- Higgin's eye pearlymussel
- Northern riffleshell
- Orange-foot pimpleback pearlymussel
- Pink mucket pearlymussel
- Purple cat's paw pearlymussel

- Rayed bean
- Ring pink mussel
- Rough pigtoe

- Scaleshell

- Sheepnose

- Snuffbox

- Spectaclecase
- Tubercled-blossom pearlymussel
- White cat's paw pearlymussel
- White wartyback pearlymussel
- Winged mapleleaf mussel



- Iowa Pleistocene snail
- Tumbling Creek cavesnail


- American burying beetle

- Dakota skipper
- Hine's emerald dragonfly
- Hungerford's crawling water beetle
- Karner blue butterfly
- Mitchell's satyr butterfly



- Illinois cave amphipod



- American hart's-tongue fern
- Decurrent false aster
- Dwarf lake iris
- Eastern prairie fringed orchid
- Fassett's locoweed
- Geocarpon
- Houghton's goldenrod
- Lakeside daisy
- Leafy prairie-clover
- Leedy's roseroot
- Mead's milkweed
- Michigan monkey-flower
- Minnesota dwarf trout lily
- Missouri bladderpod
- Northern wild monkshood
- Pitcher's thistle
- Pondberry
- Prairie bush-clover
- Price's potato-bean
- Running buffalo clover
- Small whorled pogonia
- Virginia spiraea
- Western prairie fringed orchid


Information about the Endangered Species Act


- Why Save Endangered Species (pamphlet) (PDF)

- Endangered Species Act of 1973 (as amended) links to online versions of each section of the Act or go here for a PDF version of the Endangered Species Act

- A History of the ESA (PDF)

- ESA Basics: a Summary of the Act (PDF)

- Recovery, Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)


Section 4 - Listing

- Candidate Species (PDF)

- Critical Habitat (PDF)

- Listing a Species as Threatened or Endangered, Section 4 of The Endangered Species Act (PDF)

- Petition process (PDF)


Section 6 - Grants

- Grants: Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act (PDF)


Section 7 - Consultation

- Consultations with Federal Agencies Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (PDF)


Section 10 - Permits and Habitat Conservation Plans

- Habitat Conservation Plans Under the Endangered Species Act) (1-page PDF)

- Habitat Conservatin Plans: Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act (PDF)

- Permits for Native Species (PDF)


- Safe Harbor Agreements for Private Property Owners, Questions and Answers (PDF)

- Our Endangered Species Program and How It Works with Landowners (PDF)


Other Information

- Endangered, Threatened, and Proposed Species of Region 3 (list)
- Candidate Species in Region 3 (list)
- Extinct Wildlife (list)


Federally Endangered and Threatened Species in

- Illinois
- Iowa
- Indiana
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Wisconsin


For Kids and Teachers

- What You Can Do to Help Endangered Wildlife and Plants (PDF)

- Indiana Bats, Kids, and Caves - Oh My! (an activity book for teachers)

- Bat Box Instructions for Indiana (PDF)



- Conserving the Nature of America (pamphlet about the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

- Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest

- Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Frogs: Lawn and Garden Care

- Midwest Ephemeral Wetlands: A Vanishing Habitat


List of publications on the National Endangered Species website.


We have a small supply of posters and pamphlets that are available upon written request. Please e:mail Kim Mitchell at Kim_Mitchell@fws.gov and type Endangered Species Information Request in the subject line. Below is a list of posters, pamphlets, and brochures that are available.


Limit your request to 3 posters, please

- Discover Freshwater Mussels

- Partnerships for Endangered Species



- Live and Let Live: People and the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

- Why Save Endangered Species

- Volunteers: Helping Us Help Wildlife (pamphlet)
- Careers (pamphlet)

- Endangered Species Act (pamphlet)


Midwest Endangered Species Home


Last updated: October 29, 2015