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Dakota Skipper and Poweshiek Skipperling

Critical Habitat


The Dakota skipper and Poweshiek skipperling are butterflies native to tallgrass prairies of north-central United States and south-central Canada. Critical Habitat will be designated in the Oct. 1, 2015, Federal Register. The Service designated about 19,900 acres of critical habitat in 38 units in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota for the threatened Dakota skipper, and about 25,900 acres in 56 units in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin for the endangered Poweshiek skipperling. Of the total 33,742 acres of critical habitat, about 12,050 acres is common to both species.


The Endangered Species Act defines critical habitat as an area that contains habitat features that are essential for the survival and recovery of a listed species, which may require special management considerations or protections. Regulation of critical habitat is limited to the requirement that federal agencies consult with the Service on any actions that may affect critical habitat. The Service can then recommend ways to minimize adverse effects to the habitat.


Dakota skipper

Critical habitat for Dakota Skippers and Poweshiek skipperlings are the highest quality remants of tallgrass prairie and fens.

Photo courtesy of Erik Runquist/Minnesota Zoo

News Release


Federal Register Final Rule Adobe PDF Icon


Questions and Answers


Critical Habitat Fact Sheet 1-page PDF Adobe PDF Icon


Dakota Skipper Fact Sheet


Poweshiek Skipperling Fact Sheet


Critical Habitat Maps

Text Descriptions of Final Critical Habitat Units Adobe PDF Icon Updated March 24, 2016 to correct a minor error


Dakota Skipper Critical Habitat Maps


Index Map to All Dakota Skipper Critical Habitat Units Adobe PDF Icon


Minnesota Adobe PDF Icon


North Dakota Adobe PDF Icon


South Dakota Adobe PDF Icon


Poweshiek Skipperling Critical Habitat Maps

Index Map to Poweshiek Skipperling Critical Habitat in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa Adobe PDF Icon


Index Map to Poweshiek Skipperling Critical Habitat in Michigan and Wisconsin Adobe PDF Icon


Iowa Adobe PDF Icon


Michigan Adobe PDF Icon


Minnesota Adobe PDF Icon


North Dakota Adobe PDF Icon


South Dakota Adobe PDF Icon


Wisconsin Adobe PDF Icon

Poweshiek Skipperling Home

Dakota Skipper Home

Midwest Endangered Species Home

Last updated: July 20, 2016