Endangered Species
Midwest Region



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Endangered, Threatened, Proposed, and Candidates in the Upper Midwest


cave crayfish, no common name (Cambarus aculabrum)

Status: Endangered, listed April 27, 1993


Habitat: Caves


Lead Region: 4


Region 3 Lead Office: ColumbiaES, Missouri Field Office


Range: Arkansas, Missouri


crayfish (Cambarus aculabrum) species profile


Illinois cave amphipod (Gammarus acherondytes)

Status: Endangered, listed September 3, 1998


Habitat: Cave streams


Lead Region: 3


Region 3 Lead Office: Rock Island, Illinois Field Office


Range: Illinois


Life history, ecology, and regulatory information

Fact Sheet
Questions and Answers about the Illinois Cave Amphipod



Illinois Cave Amphipod Recovery Plan

Recovery in Illinois

2006 S6 Grant Project - Non-lethal population monitoring of the Endangered Illinois Cave Amphipod Gammarus acherondytes




Midwest Endangered Species Home


Last updated: November 9, 2015