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Taiwan's Key Energy Statistics world rank
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Analysis - Energy Sector Highlights Last updated: December 2016

  • Taiwan has very limited domestic energy resources and must rely on oil and coal imports to satisfy the majority of its energy demand. According to Taiwanese official statistics, oil, coal, and natural gas made up 48%, 29%, and 13% of Taiwan’s total primary energy consumption in 2015, respectively, while the remainder was mostly nuclear (7%) and smaller amounts of various renewable energy sources. Total energy import dependence was about 98%, according to the Taiwanese government.
  • Taiwan has small deposits of proved oil reserves of approximately 2.4 million barrels as of January 2016, according to the Oil & Gas Journal. Taiwan produced an average of 28,000 barrels per day (b/d) of petroleum and other liquids in 2015, virtually all of which was refinery processing gains.
  • Taiwan consumed almost 1.1 million b/d of petroleum and other liquids in 2015. Taiwan has three refineries with a total crude distillation capacity just over 1 million b/d, which run solely on imported crude oil. Taiwan imported almost 86% of its crude oil from countries in the Persian Gulf and smaller portions from Angola and other countries in 2015.
  • Taiwan’s Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) closed its 205,000 b/d-Kaohsiung refinery at the end of 2015. Taiwan’s refineries, which are all aging and prone to accidents, face competition from more complex refining facilities coming online in the region, particularly in China. The CPC Corporation has plans to expand their net refining capacity by 47,000 b/d at the Dalin refinery by late 2017. The refinery complex additions include replacing old crude distillation capacity and installing a condensate splitter. Taiwan also trades refined products, exporting mostly gasoline and middle distillates to Asia, while importing naphtha and liquefied petroleum gas to feed its refinery and petrochemical industry.
  • Taiwan’s CPC and China’s state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) are working together to explore for oil and natural gas in the Strait of Taiwan. The national oil companies (NOCs) renewed their production sharing contract in December 2014 for another two years. CPC and CNOOC experienced disappointing results with exploration in shallow water areas and initially in deepwater areas of the Strait of Taiwan. Prospects changed when the two NOCs found encouraging results from the middle portion of the Taichao Block. Further exploration is likely to hinge on the priorities both companies place on upstream investment and may face challenges from the low oil price environment.

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