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Germany's Key Energy Statistics world rank
Total Primary Energy Consumption
Quadrillion Btu
Total Primary Energy Production
Quadrillion Btu
Primary Coal Production
Thousand Short Tons
Imports of Dry Natural Gas
Billion Cubic Feet
Total Non-Hydro Renewable Electricity Net Generation
Billion Kilowatthours
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Analysis - Energy Sector Highlights Last updated: August 2016

  • Germany was the largest energy consumer in Europe and the seventh-largest energy consumer in the world in 2015, according to BP Statistical Review of World Energy. It was also the fourth-largest economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) after the United States, China, and Japan in 2015. Its size and location give it considerable influence over the European Union’s energy sector. However, Germany must rely on imports to meet the majority of its energy demand.
  • Germany has begun a long-term initiative to transition to a low-carbon, more efficient energy mix. This initiative, known as the Energiewende, includes ambitious targets for phasing out coal and nuclear and developing renewable energy. Key targets include relying on renewable energy sources for at least 60% of final energy consumption and 80% of electricity consumption by 2050, as well as closing Germany’s remaining nuclear power plants by 2022.
  • Petroleum and other liquids continue to be Germany’s main source of energy. In 2015, Germany consumed 2.3 million barrels per day (b/d), making up 34% of the country’s total primary energy consumption in 2015.
  • The transportation sector accounts for the largest share of petroleum product demand. The government has a goal of putting one million electric vehicles on the road by 2020 and six million by 2030. At the end of 2015, there were approximately 25,000 electric vehicles registered in Germany.
  • With more than 2 million b/d of crude refining capacity at the end of 2015, Germany is one of the largest refiners in the world, and the second largest in Europe and Eurasia after Russia.

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