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Posted December 30, 2016Today in Energy

Federal leasing for offshore wind grows as first U.S. offshore wind farm comes online ›

The first commercial U.S. offshore wind farm, Block Island, is scheduled to come online in late 2016. Located three miles off the southeastern coast of Rhode Island, Block Island consists of five wind turbines that will produce 30 megawatts (MW) of electricity. More

Source: EIA, based on Bureau of Ocean Energy Management


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2016 EIA Accomplishments

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Data Highlights

WTI crude oil futures price

12/29/2016: $53.77/barrels

up$0.82 from week earlier
up$17.17 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

12/29/2016: $3.802/MMBtu

up$0.264 from week earlier
up$1.588 from year earlier

Weekly coal production

12/24/2016: 15.201 million tons

down0.488 million tons from week earlier
up3.295 million tons from year earlier

Natural gas inventories

12/23/2016: 3,360 Bcf

down237 Bcf from week earlier
down413 Bcf from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

12/23/2016: 486.1 million barrels

up0.6 million barrels from week earlier
up31.0 million barrels from year earlier


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