Survey Forms

FAQs for Survey Form EIA-821

What is the purpose of this survey?

The EIA-821 survey is used to collect annual data on the sales of distillate and residual fuel oils, kerosene, motor gasoline, and propane to various categories of energy users at the state level. The data are used in determining petroleum product supply and demand changes. The data are also used to analyze, model, and forecast petroleum product sales by state and energy use category.

Where can I find published data from the EIA-821 survey?

The annual data are published in the Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales.

The Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales report provides information, illustrations and State-level statistical data on end-use sales of kerosene; No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 distillate fuel oil; and residual fuel oil. State-level kerosene sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, farm, and all other uses. State-level distillate sales include volumes for residential, commercial, industrial, oil company, railroad, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, farm, on-highway, off-highway construction, and other uses. State-level residual fuel sales include volumes for commercial, industrial, oil company, vessel bunkering, military, electric utility, and other uses.

Do I have to report data?

Yes. The EIA-821 survey is mandatory under Section 13(b) of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (FEAA) (Public Law 93-275), as amended. Failure to respond may result in a civil penalty of not more than $2,750 per day for each violation, or a fine of not more than $5,000 per day for each criminal violation. The government may bring a civil action to prohibit reporting violations which may result in a temporary restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction without bond. In such civil action, the court may also issue mandatory injunctions commanding any person to comply with these reporting requirements.

What petroleum products are collected on the EIA-821 survey?

  • Kerosene
  • No. 1 Distillate
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (≤ 15 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (> 15 ppm to ≤ 500 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Diesel Fuel (> 500 ppm sulfur)
  • No. 2 Fuel Oil
  • No. 4 Fuel Oil
  • Residual Fuel Oil
  • Motor Gasoline
  • Propane

These products are collected by select end-use categories: residential, commercial, industrial, oil company, railroad, vessel bunkering, military, electric power, farm, on-highway, off-highway, and wholesale.

Are my data confidential?

Yes. Please be assured that the information you provide is confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Your information will be protected and not disclosed to the public to the extent that it satisfies the criteria for exemption under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. §552, DOE regulations, 10 C.F.R. §1004.11, implementing the FOIA, and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 U.S.C. §1905.

The Federal Energy Administration Act (FEAA) requires EIA to provide company-specific data to other federal agencies when requested for official use. The information reported on this form may also be made available, upon request, to another component of DOE; to any Committee of Congress, the Government Accountability Office, or other federal agencies authorized by law to receive such information. A court of competent jurisdiction may obtain this information in response to an order. The information may be used for any nonstatistical purposes such as administrative, regulatory, law enforcement, or adjudicatory purposes.

Disclosure limitation procedures are not applied to the statistical data published based on the EIA-821 survey information. There may be some statistics that are based on data from fewer than three respondents, or that are dominated by data from one or two large respondents. In these cases, it may be possible for a knowledgeable person to closely estimate the information reported by a specific respondent.

What is the estimated time needed to complete this survey?

The reporting burden includes the time of gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reporting the information. The estimated respondent burden for the EIA-821 is 4.4 hours. The amount of time required will vary depending on the mode of data collection, size of company, etc.

Is my company's EIA ID number my company's federal tax ID?

No. The EIA ID number is not your federal tax identification number. The EIA ID number is a ten digit ID that EIA uses to identify your company. It was attached to the survey you received or sent in an email. If you cannot find the EIA ID, please call 1-800-638-8812 and we will provide it to you.

Is the reference year the calendar year or my company's fiscal year?

The reference year is the calendar year, January through December, to which the reported volume information relates. The reference year appears on the first page of EIA-821 survey, Part 1, item 9.

My company does not retain the data in the format you are asking for on the EIA-821 survey, what do I do?

EIA recognizes that some companies may not have the information requested on sales for different energy uses readily available. If your company does not maintain this information, estimates of sales volumes may be provided. The basis for the estimates must be consistent with the standard accounting records maintained by the company. The estimating procedure and data supporting the estimates should result in a reasonably accurate estimate which will be subject to review. If you require assistance compiling the report, please call 1-800-638-8812.

Why does the XLS file of the EIA-821 survey have 51 state columns?

We ask companies to report their sales they made in all states and the District of Columbia, so we designed the XLS to handle all of the states and the District of Columbia. Only report for those states your company sells into, leave all other columns blank.

The PDF file of the EIA-821 survey only has three state columns, what do I do if my company sells in more than three states?

EIA would prefer you use the XLS file but if you insist on using the PDF, you need to print out the correct number of copies of pages 2, 3, and 4 to report your data. If you are completing the survey using Adobe, you need to save multiple copies of the survey and return them all to EIA. For example, if you sell in six states, you need to return to EIA seven pages (one page 1, two page 2, two page 3, and two page 4.)

When is the EIA-821 survey due?

Complete EIA-821 surveys are due back to EIA the first week of March. If we do not receive your survey, you will be contacted by phone, mail, or email, and then you have 10 business days to return your completed survey to EIA.

How can I submit data?

Before returning the EIA-821 survey, please keep a copy for your files. Completed forms may be submitted by electronic transmission, email, facsimile, or mail.

When are resubmissions required?

Revisions are required for any errors, adjustments or changes that, in your best judgment, would materially change your original report(s) for the current reference year. Material adjustments or changes to sales volumes are those that would cause reported volumes to be unrepresentative of the actual level of sales for the current reference year.

Should I inform you if our company is sold, merged with another company, or buys another company?

Yes. Whenever there is any change in ownership please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at Please include "EIA-821" and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

Should I inform you of a change in the contact person in our company for the survey?

Yes. Whenever there is a change in the contact person at your company please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at Please include "EIA-821" and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email. The contact person should be the most knowledgeable person about your reported data.

How can I avoid getting calls about my EIA-821 survey?

There are several things you can do related to the quality of your data:

  • If the volume reported for any category differs significantly from what was reported in the previous year, include an explanation for the difference in the "Comments" section of the survey form.
  • If you have changed the sales-type classification of your customers, explain the reason for your change in the "Comments" section of the survey form. (Note: Many apparent shifts between end-use sectors are actually the result of data being entered on the wrong line of the form. Check your form carefully.)
  • When reporting “Other Use” categories, specify what the fuel was used for in the space provided on the form.
  • If questions arise while compiling your report, please call 1-800-638-8812 for assistance prior to submitting the form.

What unit of measure should I report my volumes on the EIA-821 survey?

Report all quantities in actual gallons, do not round to thousands of gallons or report decimals. If your accounting system receives volumes in barrels please make sure to convert to gallons. One barrel is equal to 42 gallons.

If my product transfers title in one state but gets delivered to another state, which state should I report the sales?

The EIA-821 survey collects sales by state of destination; therefore; you should report the state that the product was delivered into.

Should I report sales made with exchange agreement partners?

Exclude amounts supplied to exchange partners except where the amount supplied exceeds the amount received and the imbalance is invoiced as a sale.

Should I report intrafirm transfers?

No. Only report the data when the product was sold and the title changed hands.

Should I include sales that were delivered or exported outside of the United States and its Territories?

If the product was sold or changed title within the United States, report those sales in that state. If the product was sold or changed title outside of the United States, do not report those sales.

Should I report sales of kerosene jet fuel on the EIA-821 survey?

No. The EIA-821 survey only collects sales of distillate and residual fuel oils, kerosene, motor gasoline, and propane.

What is the difference between kerosene and No. 1 distillate?

Kerosene is a light petroleum distillate that is used in space heaters, cook stoves, and water heaters and is suitable for use as a light source when burned in wick-fed lamps. Kerosene has a maximum distillation temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point, a final boiling point of 572 degrees Fahrenheit, and a minimum flash point of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Included are No. 1-K and No. 2-K, the two grades recognized by ASTM Specification D 3699 as well as all other grades of kerosene called range or stove oil, which have properties similar to those of No. 1 fuel oil.

No. 1 distillate is a light petroleum distillate that can be used as either a diesel fuel or a fuel oil. No. 1 diesel fuel has distillation temperatures of 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 975. It is used in high-speed diesel engines, such as those in city buses and similar vehicles. No. 1 fuel oil has distillation temperatures of 400 degrees Fahrenheit at the 10-percent recovery point and 550 degrees Fahrenheit at the 90-percent point and meets the specifications defined in ASTM Specification D 396. It is used primarily as fuel for portable outdoor stoves and portable outdoor heaters.

On the EIA-821 survey, if the product is sold to the customer as kerosene, report it as kerosene. If the product is sold to the customer as No. 1, report it as No. 1 or Other Distillate depending on customer type. If you have further questions, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at and we will help you determine if the product should be reported. Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

What is the difference between No. 1 and No. 2 diesel fuel and No. 1 and No. 2 fuel oil?

Typically, distillate fuel oils are used in furnaces or boilers for space heating purposes, while distillate diesel fuels are used for transportation or operation of other (power-generation) engines. For more detailed information on the specifications that differentiate these products, please refer to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards for diesel fuels (ASTM D975 - 11 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils) and fuel oils (ASTM D396 - 10 Standard Specification for Fuel Oils).

My company sells No. 1 diesel, where should I report it on the EIA-821 survey?

If the No. 1 diesel is used on-highway by non-government vehicles, report the volume under On-highway Diesel Use. If it is used on-highway by government vehicles, report the volume under Commercial Use, No. 1. If it is used off-highway, report it as No. 1 or Other Distillates depending on customer type. If you have further questions, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at and we will help you determine if the product should be reported. Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

Should I report biodiesel on the EIA-821 survey?

Report B2, B5, or B20 biodiesel under the primary fuel type with which it was blended and the type of customer sold to. Do not report B95, B99, or B100. If you have further questions about biodiesel, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at and we will help you determine if the product should be reported. Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

During the winter we blend other products with diesel fuels to prevent gelling. Where should we put these fuels on the form?

There are several different types of winterized diesel blends, so please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at and we will help you determine if the product should be reported. Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

I sell to a certain type of customer, where do I put the data?

For questions regarding categorization, please use the EIA-821 instructions and reference guide. If you still have questions, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

How should I report fuel sold for heating purposes that is now ultra-low sulfur?

Regardless of sulfur content, fuels sold for use as heating oil should be classified as No. 1, No. 2, No. 2 Fuel Oil, No. 4, or Other Distillates depending on customer type. If you market the fuel as heating oil, place it on one of these lines. If you still have questions, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

How should I report on-highway diesel sales to end-users?

The EIA-821 survey breaks out on-highway diesel use gallons separately from all other categories. Fuel sold for use in cars, trucks, school buses and buses (private, public, and transit authority) should be reported in the On-highway Diesel Use category. The only exception is fuel sold for use in government vehicles, cars and trucks, which should be included in Commercial Use. If you have further questions, please call 1-800-638-8812.

Our firm sells diesel to trucking companies and/or school buses for on-highway use. Where should they be categorized?

Fuel sold to trucking companies and school districts for use in their vehicles on the road, must be broken out and placed in the On-highway Diesel Use category.

Our firm makes sales of Marine Fuels for vessel bunkering. Should they be included and where should they be categorized?

Yes. Include sales for vessel bunkering/fueling under Vessel Bunkering Use except when it is sold to the military. Military sales, even for bunker fuels, should be reported under Military Use. There are several fuel types currently being used for marine fueling purposes so you should consider the fuel specifications carefully before classifying the product type.

If the marine fuel your firm sells is described as No. 5 or No. 6 Fuel Oil, it should be reported under Residual Fuel Oil. There are also some marine fuel blends described as IFO 180 and IFO 380 that are mostly residual fuel oil blended with a small portion of diesel fuel. These would also be reported under Residual Fuel Oil.

If the marine fuel your firm sells is described as Marine Diesel Oil (DMB) it is most likely a diesel fuel blended with a small amount of residual fuel oil. The sulfur content of this blend usually falls under High Sulfur Diesel according to our reporting instructions but be careful to check the sulfur content of the product to ensure it is categorized properly. The product could also be a No. 4 Fuel Oil which would be classified under Other Distillate.

If the marine fuel your firm sells is described as Marine Gas Oil (DMA) it is most likely a No. 2 Distillate and should just be classified by the sulfur content.

If the marine fuel your firm sells does not fit any of the descriptions above or clarification is needed, please contact an EIA-821 representative at 1-800-638-8812 or via email at Please include “EIA-821” and your EIA ID number in the subject line of your email.

Our firm makes sales of Marine Fuels to lightering vessels. Should they be included and where should they be categorized?

Yes. Include sales for vessel bunkering/fueling of lightering vessels under Vessel Bunkering
Use. Except when it is sold to the military, these sales will be reported under Military Use. Report these sales in the state that the fueling vessel leaves, i.e., if the fueling vessel leaves the port of New Orleans the sales would be reported in the state of Louisiana.