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Patient Safety Culture Survey

An image of a portion of a diagonally-positioned survey. There are four check-boxes: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. There is a bright green checkmark in the "agree" box.The MHS Patient Safety Culture Survey is designed to assess staff perceptions of patient safety at their military treatment facility (MTF). It is fielded in the MHS Direct CareDirect care refers to military hospitals and clinics, also known as “military treatment facilities” and “MTFs.”Direct Care system approximately every three years, most recently in 2016. The survey is sponsored by the DHA in collaboration with the Services and National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCR MD). Staff from across the organization, including inpatient facilities, outpatient facilities and dental clinics, are invited to participate in the anonymous, web-based survey.

The purpose of administering the Culture Survey in the MHS is to:

  • Raise awareness about patient safety issues across the organization
  • Diagnose and assess the current state of patient safety culture in all MHS facilities
  • Identify strengths and areas for patient safety culture improvement
  • Examine trends in patient safety culture change over time
  • Provide actionable data for fostering a safer patient care environment in all MHS settings

The Culture Survey was adapted from the nationally-recognized Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ). The survey, which measures safety culture across 12 patient safety dimensions, is evidence-based and has been implemented by hundreds of hospitals across the United States and internationally. For more information on the AHRQ survey and associated resources, visit the AHRQ website. The survey results are used to help drive enterprise wide improvement initiatives, as well as give the Services and MTFs the information to target more local efforts.

To partner with Services and MTFs across the MHS, the DoD PSP has developed a number of resources designed to help facilities leadership and patient safety champions interpret Culture Survey results and learn actionable ways to improve patient safety culture at the MTF level. More specifically, these resources can help to:

  • Lt. Hillary Brainard, and Capt. Edwin Turner, Emergency Room Department Head discuss a patient’s condition with Sailors attached to Expeditionary Medical Force One during Operation Northern Lights.Understand response rate at the MTF/local level
  • Identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
  • Display and share data
  • Understand results within the context of each MTF
  • Develop an Action Plan

Please visit the Patient Safety Learning Center (PSLC) to access the Culture Survey resources available to MHS facilities.

If you have questions about the Culture Survey or how the DoD PSP can assist you in next steps, please email us.

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MHS Patient Safety Spotlight

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The MHS Patient Safety Spotlight is a new resource designed to highlight best practices and interesting initiatives that come from the field and are worthy of being shared across the enterprise. This resource features data-driven examples of improvement and case studies that tackle specific problems with specific solutions.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The new MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data 1) Sentinel Event (SE) notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center (PSAC); 2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as PSR.

Recommended Content:

Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

Patient Safety in Action: The DoD Patient Safety Program Announces the 2016 Quality and Patient Safety Awards

Across the Military Health System (MHS) patient safety professionals work arduously to elevate the care they provide to their patients. The 2016 Quality and Patient Safety Awards program recognizes such hard work and relentless focus on delivering excellence every single day.

Every step Military Health System (MHS) patient safety professionals take towards achieving high reliability is worthy of praise and recognition. Today more than ever, our commitment to excellence in our day-to-day activities is absolutely crucial. For this reason, the DoD PSP team is excited to announce that we will soon begin accepting submissions for the 2016 Quality and Patient Safety Awards.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

Feature: TeamSTEPPS® and High Reliability: An Overview of the 2016 National TeamSTEPPS Conference

Ms. Heidi King, chief of the Patient Safety and High Reliability Initiatives Office, at the 2016 TeamSTEPPS® National Conference opening up the DoD two-day  session titled “The“Military Health System (MHS) Across the Globe….Don’t Stop Believing in Zero Harm”.

The 10th Annual National TeamSTEPPS Conference – an event designed to highlight strategies and techniques to effectively implement and sustain TeamSTEPPS in today’s ever-evolving health care environment – was held 7-10 June, 2016 in Washington, D.C. Welcoming over 700 health care industry professionals and experts, the National TeamSTEPPS conference spotlighted the value of TeamSTEPPS across clinical and non-clinical settings both in the civilian and military space. Addressing a wide range of topics – with over 30 presentations and workshops on subjects ranging from “TeamSTEPPS 101” to “TeamSTEPPS: The Vehicle to Drive your Metrics in the Right Direction,” “The Answer is in the Room: Using TeamSTEPPS to Problem Solve and Reinvigorate Struggling Teams” and “TeamSTEPPS in Times of Transformational Change” – the 2016 TeamSTEPPS National Conference provided attendees the ability to delve into the TeamSTEPPS framework and its application into all aspects of health care and patient safety.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

MHS Patient Safety Spotlight

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The MHS Patient Safety Spotlight is a new resource designed to highlight best practices and interesting initiatives that come from the field and are worthy of being shared across the enterprise. This resource features data-driven examples of improvement and case studies that tackle specific problems with specific solutions.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

Military Health System (MHS) Patient Safety Culture Survey Update

Patient safety professionals across the Military Health System (MHS) work eagerly as teams to deliver excellence and high quality care. By completing the 2016 MHS Patient Safety Culture Survey earlier this year, MHS patient safety champions voiced their opinions and contributed to patient safety improvements in their facilities to optimize the care we provide every day. In this picture, the Army Reserve Medical Command team observes Soldiers of the 399th Combat Support Hospital, 804th Medical Brigade, 3rd Medical Command (Deployment Support) as they conduct an exercise at the Mayo Clinic Multidisciplinary Simulation Center in Rochester, Minnesota. Photo by: Staff Sgt. Andrea Merritt.

Starting in February through mid-April, Military Health System (MHS) staff at Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) worldwide were asked to complete the 2016 MHS Patient Safety Culture Survey (Culture Survey). The purpose of the Culture Survey was to assess staff perceptions of patient safety at their MTFs.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

DoD PSP Treasure Chest: July Edition

Military Health System (MHS) patient safety champions work tirelessly to deliver high quality care to their patients. The DoD PSP Treasure Chest provides you with information, tools and the resources you need to help you execute your patient safety activities effectively and easily. This month, access the SBAR toolkit, the Medical Team Performance Assessment Tool (MTPAT), the Patient Safety Learning Center (PSLC) and the Patient Safety Reporting (PSR) eLearning course.  Photo by: Robert Whetstone.

Welcome to the July edition of the DoD PSP Treasure Chest! This month, we highlight the SBAR toolkit, the Medical Team Performance Assessment (MTPAT) tool, the Patient Safety Learning Center (PSLC) and the Patient Safety Reporting (PSR) eLearning course. Each and every month, we will be sharing resources to help you execute your day-to-day patient safety activities easily and effectively. Please visit us often and get access to tools and information developed with you, our committed MHS patient safety champions, in mind!

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

HRO Corner: Measuring the Effectiveness of the TeamSTEPPS® Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (T-TPQ) – U.S. Army Medical Command Implementation

The DoD PSP team commends the MEDCOM for its implementation of TeamSTEPPS and the T-TPQ.  It is this type of well-thought out and carefully planned application of TeamSTEPPS that will continue to move MHS forward and towards becoming a high performing, highly reliable health care system.

Offering various ready-to-use tools, materials and resources, TeamSTEPPS can be tailored to address the specific needs of an organization to seamlessly incorporate its principles into all areas of a health care system. In fact, it is only by fully integrating the tools that TeamSTEPPS offers into our day-to-day activities that Military Health System (MHS) leadership, frontline staff and patient safety professionals will truly benefit from leveraging this methodology. A great example of this is the work and research that the U.S Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) conducted regarding the TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perceptions Questionnaire (T-TPQ). Highlights of this work were presented at the 2016 National TeamSTEPPS conference this past June.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The new MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data 1) Sentinel Event (SE) notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center (PSAC); 2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as PSR.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

DoD PSP Learning Update July August 2016


The Learning Update delivers an upcoming schedule of DoD PSP and other patient safety activities, tools and resources to help you increase your patient safety knowledge and skills. This edition highlights upcoming patient safety activities July and August 2016.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

Feature The MHS as a Learning Organization

Image highlighting the Continuous Learning principle with a focus on solutions.

As the MHS continues its path toward high reliability, the term “learning organization” will become part of our collective lexicon as well as an integral part of our mindset as an enterprise. To fully understand and embrace what this means, let’s take an in-depth look at the learning organization concept and what it means to us as MHS patient safety champions.

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MHS Patient Safety Spotlight

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The MHS Patient Safety Spotlight is a new resource designed to highlight best practices and interesting initiatives that come from the field and are worthy of being shared across the enterprise. This resource features data-driven examples of improvement and case studies that tackle specific problems with specific solutions.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

HRO Corner: The Oro™ 2.0 High Reliability Organizational Maturity Pilot Program and the Military Health System

Image of the ORO 2.0 High Reliability Organizational Assessment and Resources logo.

Achieving a cultural transformation across the Military Health System (MHS) toward high reliability requires a mindset that aligns our individual and organizational actions with our vision for the future. A future that embraces quality and a culture of safety thoroughly, completely and across all levels of the enterprise.

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MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot

Image of the DoD Patient Safety Program (PSP) logo.

The new MHS Patient Safety Data Snapshot is a monthly compilation of two types of patient safety data 1) Sentinel Event (SE) notifications submitted to the Patient Safety Analysis Center (PSAC); 2) Anonymous, voluntarily reported patient safety events via the web-based incident reporting system known as PSR.

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Patient Safety, eBulletin, Products & Services, Patient Safety Event Reporting, Patient Safety & Quality Academic Collaborative, Awards Program, Culture Survey

Patient Safety in Action: U.S. Naval Hospital Guam is Selected as a 2016 Stand Up for Patient Safety Program Management Award Winner

A registered nurse tends to a patient May 3.

The DoD Patient Safety Program congratulates U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam, for its National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF)’s 2016 Stand Up for Patient Safety Management Award! Proudly representing the Military Health System (MHS), U.S. Naval Hospital, Guam, received this prestigious accolade for the implementation of a program which significantly improved medication reconciliation in its Family Medicine Clinic.

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