Navajo Dam Technical Working Group

Navajo Dam

Next Meetings:

January 24th, 2017 at 1pm at the Farmington Civic Center, 200 West Arrington, in Farmington, New Mexico.

Purpose and Participation

This meeting was held in Farmington, New Mexico at the Civic Center. The meeting minutes, as mailed, as well as the meeting handouts are available in the archives. Meeting attendance is shown on the archived minutes.

The purpose of these meetings, held annually in January, April, and August, is to gather input for determining upcoming operations for Navajo Reservoir. This input is used in Reclamation’s development of an overall 24-month study for operation of Reclamation projects in the Upper Colorado River Basin, which includes plans for Glen Canyon, Flaming Gorge, Aspinall Unit and Navajo. Input from individuals, organizations, and agencies along with other factors such as weather, water rights, endangered species requirements, flood control, hydro power, recreation, fish and wildlife management, and reservoir levels, will be considered in the development of these reservoir operation plans. In addition, the meetings are used to coordinate activities and exchange information among agencies, water users, and other interested parties concerning the San Juan River and Navajo Reservoir.

Meeting Summary

Full meeting Minutes and the Presentation is available below in the Archives in PDF form.

  • Spring Peak Release began May 18th and ended July 11th. Total volume over base was 340,000 acre-ft.
  • The peak of 5,000 cfs was not reached during the Spring Peak Release this year due to safety concerns in the channel.
  • Reclamation has been working closely with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Reclamation's Technical Service Center, and San Juan County Office of Emergency Management to evaluate channel capacity issues.
  • Summer and fall releases will likely range between 400 and 700 cfs.
  • Expected end of water year reservoir elevation under the August Most Probable Forecast is 6055 ft.

Supporting Information