U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Florida Manatee
Proposed Manatee Protection Areas
  News Release -- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Final Interim Strategy to Protect Florida Manatees
  News Release -- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Protection Areas for West Indian Manatees
  Florida Manatee Proposed Manatee Protection Areas Rule Frequently Asked Questions
  Proposed Manatee Protection Areas
  For HTML text go to the Ecological Services Field Office in Jacksonville, FL
News Releases
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Statement Regarding the State Action on the Manatee Lawsuit Settlement
Public Meeting Information
May 2, 2001 Parties Agree to Additional Deadline Extension for Proposed Designation of Federal Refuges and Sanctuaries for Florida Manatees
March 26, 2001 Parties Agree to Extend Deadline for Proposed Designation of Federal Refuges and Sanctuaries for Florida Manatees
March 16, 2001 Manatee Conservation Measures to Guide the Development of Future Watercraft Access Projects

Federal Register

  • 50 CFR Part 18 -- RIN 1018 -- AH86
    Marine Mammals: Incidental Take During Specified Activities   TEXT     PDF

  • Notice of Availability of Interim Strategy on Section 7 Consultations Under the Endangered Species Act for Watercraft Access Projects in Florida That May Indirectly Affect the West Indian Manatee    TEXT     PDF
March 13, 2001 Service Looking to Develop Special Regulations for Florida Manatees Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
January 4, 2001 Settlement Reached in Manatee Lawsuit
Manatee Lawsuit Settlement
Manatee Settlement Agreement
Fact Sheet and FAQ's
Interim Manatee Guidance - Fact Sheet (pdf - 270Kb)
Interim Manatee Guidance - FAQ's (pdf -300Kb)
  Photo of Manatees Swimming

Press Releases

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