North Florida Ecological Services Office
Southeast Region

What do I need to include in my Consultation/Project Review Request?

New Consultation Checklist is Your Answer!

The Florida Ecological Services field offices developed a short checklist and companion guidance document to assist consultants, permit applicants and action agencies in assembling complete consultation requests. These documents are provided for your information and optional use. However, using them can help avoid delays in initiating consultation. The checklist helps you and our staff quickly identify whether all necessary components of a complete request are included. Attaching it to your consultation request is not required, but can be helpful..

OK, package is ready. Where do I submit Project Review Requests?

Federal agencies, private and public landowners, project managers/planners, and consultants are asked to submit all new project review requests and supporting documentation electronically to jaxregs @ Please do not submit to other email addresses or individual staff as this may result in processing delays due to planned and unplanned absences or other work related issues. Electronic submissions need not be submitted in hard copy unless requested by our staff.

NOTE: Emails with attachments are limited to a maximum size of 20 megabytes (20MB). If you have attachments that exceed this threshold, note same on your email submission and then send those attachments on CD or DVD via mail to the Jacksonville address listed on our contact page. If you chose or need to submit via multiple emails please use same subject line for each email and note numerical sequence in the subject line such as 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc.

OK, package submitted. So are you now looking for Your Project's Review Status?

Please allow a minimum of 30-days from date of project submission to our office before inquiring as to your project's review status. This allows time for your project submission to be received, complete intake processing, and staff assignment and initial review. Requests are placed in different process tracks (technical assistance, informal consultations or formal consultations) and generally handled on a first-in, first-out basis within those tracks. However, these timelines assume all information required for us to complete our review/consultation is provided and no additional information is requested. Such requests for additional information, clarification or incomplete submissions can result in the temporary suspension of review timelines. If you have not heard from us after 30-days, for quickest response submit a status request via e-mail to jaxregs @



General Guidance Documents


Landscape Conservation Cooperatives

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, or LCCs, are public-private partnerships (cooperatives) facilitating planning, design, and implementation of conservation strategies for fish and wildlife species at the landscape level.  While they are underwritten by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the cooperatives are self-governing with few limitations on composition and structure.  The LCCs set their own priorities and basic rules of the road.

LCCs are designed to develop and gain consensus on a common vision for renewable natural resources and inform people how they can contribute to this vision.  They provide a venue where agencies, landowners, scientists, advocates, and even the guy on the street can all contribute their ideas. What habitats are needed to maintain viability of imperiled species?  What corridors are needed to allow species to adapt to changing future conditions?  What are the scientific questions that still need to be answered?  What new tools do we need to improve on-the-ground, so-called “conservation delivery,” efforts?

You can learn more about LCCs in Florida and other parts of the Southeastern U.S. at the links below.  Check them out and join in the conversation! 

Species Specific Information and Documents

Blue graphic spacer Audubon crested caracara Blue graphic spacer Bald Eagle Blue graphic spacer Beach Mouse Blue graphic spacer Eastern Indigo Snake

Blue graphic spacer Everglades snail kite Blue graphic spacer Florida Scrub-JayBlue graphic spacer Gopher Tortoise Blue graphic spacer Piping plover

Blue graphic spacer Red-cockaded WoodpeckerBlue graphic spacer Sand Skink Blue graphic spacer Florida Manatee Blue graphic spacer Sea Turtles Blue graphic spacer Woodstork

Audubon's crested caracara (Polyborus plancus)

Due in part to low occurrances in the North/North-Central Florida area of operations, our office is using the South Florida ESO guidelines and information provided via the following link to provide techinical assistance and our project consultations.

Project Planning and Review

Project Planning and Review

Beach Mouse

Anastasia Island Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus phasma)

Southeastern Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris)

Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon corais couperi)

Project Planning and Review

Images for poster use (credit: Photo courtesy USFWS) - Right Click and "Save As"

2011 North Florida ESO Eastern Indigo Snake Survey Protocol - full version PDF - 545KB

Everglades snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus)

Due in part to low occurrances in the North/North-Central Florida area of operations, our office is using the South Florida ESO guidelines and information provided via the following link to provide techinical assistance and in our project consultations.

Project Planning and Review

Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

Project Planning and Review

Scrub-jay Umbrella Habitat Conservation Plan

Complete FSJ Umbrella HCP/EA - PDF - 2.60MB Updated Information Icon 09/2014

Project Planning and Review

Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus)

Due in part to low occurrances in the North/North-Central Florida area of operations, our office is using the South Florida ESO guidelines and information to provide techinical assistance and in our project review consultations.

Project Planning and Review

Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis)

Project Planning and Review

Sand Skink (Neoseps reynoldsi)

Project Planning and Review

West Indian (Florida) Manatee (trichechus manatus latirostris)

January 2016 - Manatee Reclassification Proposed - All protections remain enforce and would not change

2007 ESA Five-year Status Review

Manatee Protection Areas

Project Planning and Review

2011 Florida Manatee Project Key Programmatic Assessment

  • Appendix A - Incidental Take Avoidance-minimization measures for new or expanding multi-slip facilities and dredging projects, 2011 - PDF 14KB
  • Appendix B - Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water Activities, April 2013 - PDF - 120KB
  • Appendix C - Additional Conditions for Project In-water Activities in Manatee Habitat, 2011 - PDF - 16KB
  • Appendix D - Standard Manatee Conditions for new and existing pipes and culverts, 2011 - PDF - 12KB
  • Appendix E - Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for docks or other minor structures constructed in or over submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), marsh or mangrove (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001) - PDF - 12KB
  • Appendix F - Key for construction conditions for docks or other minor structures in or over Johnson's seagrass (Halophila johnsonii) October 2002 - PDF - 13KB

Sea Turtles

  • County Incidental Take Permits & associated Habitat Conservation Plans

Wood Stork (Mycteria americana) (U. S. breeding population)

2007 ESA Five-year Status Review

Project Planning and Review

Wood Stork Florida Nesting Colonies Maps Updated Icon 03/24/2016

Coastal Wood Stork Nesting Colonies

Additional Useful Information

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

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Last updated: January 13, 2017