Total U.S. Vehicle Stock


Pie Chart:  Composition of the U.S. Vehicle Stock, 1991

This study attempts to assess the composition of the U.S. vehicle stock based on existing data sources and educated speculation. The findings include:

  • Of the total number of registered vehicles, residential vehicles accounted for 83% :
    • Passenger Cars accounted for 72%
    • Pickups accounted for 17%
    • Sport-Utility accounted for 5%
    • Large Vans accounted for 3%
    • Minivans accounted for 3%
  • Of the total number of registered vehicles, nonresidential vehicles accounted for 17% :
    • Business fleets operated 49-55%
    • State, county, and municipal government operated 10%
    • Federal government operated 2%
  • Of the 30.2 million nonresidential vehicles, around 45 to 51% cannot be accounted for by any existing data source.

(Note: Data will sum to more than 100 percent because there are government vehicles included in the "Business fleets" and "Unaccounted for" categories which cannot be separated out.)

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Full Report (file size 838,356 bytes) pages -- 161.



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File Last Modified: June 17, 1998