Watershed Management Section

Amanda Reed, Section Chief
PHONE: (785) 296-4195; FAX: (785) 559-4258

1000 SW Jackson St, Ste 420 
Topeka, KS 66612-1367


Draft Kansas Section 401 Water Quality Certification for Clean Water Act Section 404 Permits

The US Army Corps of Engineers cannot issue a Section 404 permit or verification without a statement that a recipient’s project will not likely violate Kansas Water Quality Standards if implemented per KDHE and USACE conditions. The Section 401 Water Quality Certification is that statement Click on the above link and scoll down for background to review and comment on document by December 31st, 2016.  


Watershed Management

The majority of all water quality pollution does not come from the end of pipe, but comes from parking lots, our farms, our communities, and even our very own backyards. The water that runs across our watersheds inadvertently transports pollutants such as excess nutrients, bacteria, oils/gases, and sediments which impair our Kansas waters. These pollutants are known as ‘Nonpoint Source Pollution’ and are the leading cause of water pollution in the United States today. They are called nonpoint source pollutants due their origin is not a single defined source but many diffuse sources.

Our watersheds (any area of land whose water drains to a single point) come in all shapes and sizes. How we use and maintain the land in the watershed directly affects water quality for our downstream neighbors. The Kansas Department of Health Environment’s Watershed Management Section invites all Kansans to become Clean Water Neighbors to help keep our state waters clean. We are all part of the solution to protect and restore this valuable natural resource.

To see how you can get involved and see what work is being done across the state to mitigate nonpoint source pollution, please see our programs below.

Purpose of the Section

The Watershed Management Section implements Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, coordinating programs designed to eliminate or minimize pollution that does not come from the end of a pipe. The section develops and reviews strategies, management plans, local environmental protection plans, and county environmental codes intended to control nonpoint source pollution.



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