Water quality: Permits

        Commerce and industry, construction, municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4), sewage systems, biosolids,
         presticides, reclaimed water, and pretreatment, compliance and guidance, enforcement, and contacts 
             Public access to permit documents
Most requested forms
        Includes annual reports, change of contacts, transfers , modifications, operator in responsible charge report,
          supplements,  termination application, and withdrawal forms
        Draft and issued permit actions and other items of public interest
Clean water active permits lists
        List of all active CDPS clean water permits
          List of construction stormwater applications received for the current month.

Clean water permit fees
        HB 15-1249 amendment to fee structure, summary table of permit fees
Permit renewal process
      Permit process participation opportunities, individual permit plan schedule, general permit plan schedule,
       status of renewal process for general permits in all sectors
  • COG500000 Sand and Gravel General Permit Compliance Guidance Meetings coming in January and February 2017, details to follow.

  • COR900000 General Permit Renewal Applications 
    • To find your application go to the following link:    
                 COR900000 Renewal Applications
    • Page down until you find your permit number - quick search will not work for finding the application in this file.
    • Download document using download button on right hand side of file.
    • IF you do not know your permit number search under the commerce and industry tab on the following list: 
                  All active permits 12-1-16 

  • COR030000 Stormwater Construction General Permit Renewal Process
           Stakeholder participation opportunities, meeting presentations and notes
  • Triennial Review of Regulation 84 Reclaimed Water .
                Process for the commissions triennial review of Reg 84, stakeholder information