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U.S.–Africa Energy Ministerial

The U.S-Africa Energy Ministerial (USAEM) focused on the theme of “Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Growth in Africa” and provided a forum for major announcements and commitments that support energy development throughout Africa.

The U.S-Africa Energy Ministerial (USAEM) focused on the theme of “Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Growth in Africa” and provided a forum for major announcements and commitments that support energy development throughout Africa.

Open Invitation Letter to the U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial 




To download this letter click here

About AEM 

On June 3-4, 2014, the Government of Ethiopia and the Government of the United States co-hosted the U.S.-Africa Energy Ministerial (USAEM) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  The USAEM focused on the theme of “Catalyzing Sustainable Energy Growth in Africa” and provided a forum for major announcements and commitments that support energy development throughout Africa. The Ministerial showcased African leadership in energy development, explored strategies and effective practices across Africa and the United States for accelerating development of clean energy sources and adoption of energy efficient technologies, reviewed best practices in oil and gas resource development, and highlighted progress on the President Obama’s Power Africa Initiative.

The USAEM drew minister-level attendance from sub-Saharan African and North African countries, as well as senior U.S. government officials, multilateral development partners, regional and sub-regional African energy organizations, academia, civil society, and U.S. and African private sector leaders. The Ministerial provided opportunities for government-to-government, government-to-industry, and company-to-company informational exchanges, and networking on topics such as clean energy technologies, increased power generation, rural electrification, regional integration, oil and gas development, policies and regulatory issues, investment opportunities, and financing.

The Ministerial included panel discussions, high-level plenary sessions,  and a ministers-only meeting. USAEM also featured a U.S.-Africa Energy Expo Center in which U.S. and African companies highlighted their technologies and business solutions.