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EPA’s Involvement at this Site

Hill AFB has been active since the early 1940s. The processes used in maintaining Air Force equipment and supporting flight-training missions produced a variety of wastes. Hill AFB began investigating releases in 1976, when a nearby resident reported an orange discharge from a spring on his property near the base boundary.

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What is the current site status?

The site consists of 12 areas, referred to by EPA as operable units (OUs). The OUs include multiple source areas or investigation areas, such as landfills, chemical and waste pits, fire training areas, golf courses, sludge drying beds, dumps, spill areas, and groundwater contaminant plumes. The Air Force and EPA have selected final remedies for six of the OUs.

Long-term remedies include landfill caps, pump-and-treat systems for contaminated groundwater, asphalt caps, soil vapor extraction, surface water treatment, institutional controls and various other remedies. Operation and maintenance activities and monitoring are ongoing at sites with implemented remedies. Other sites are in various stages of the Superfund process, ranging from initial assessments through investigations and development of cleanup plans.

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What's being done to protect human health and the environment?

The site is being addressed through federal and state actions.

The Air Force, with EPA oversight, has conducted five-year reviews at the site. These reviews ensure that the remedies put in place protect public health and the environment, and function as intended by site decision documents. The most recent review concluded that response actions at the site are in accordance with the remedy selected by EPA and that the remedy continues to be protective of human health and the environment at OU3, OU5 and OU7. The remedy is protective in the short term at OU1, OU2, OU9 and OU12. Continued protectiveness requires additional data collection and evaluation. Protectiveness determinations could not be made for OU4, OU6 and OU8 until additional information is obtained. The remedy for OU13 is expected to be protective once the removal action is completed.

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