Data Definitions

Magic Carpet Woods Association

Habitat Conservation Plan

USFWS Region(s) 3
USFWS Field Office(s) East Lansing Ecological Services Field Office
Permits TE 025433
Status I
NEPA Process environmental assessment
Involved Agency USFWS

Date Information

Date Noticed in Federal Register 04/20/2001
Date Permit Issued 03/20/2001
Date Application Withdrawn
Date Permit Expired ---
Date Permit Denied ---
Date Permit Suspended ---
Date Permit Revoked ---

Area Description Information

Location Leelanau Township, Leelanau County, SW1/4 SE1/4. SE1/4 SW1/4 Section 14, T32N R11W
Listed Species
  • Plover, piping (Charadrius melodus) Great Lakes, watershed in States of IL, IN, MI, MN, NY, OH, PA, and WI and Canada (Ont.) E
  • Thistle, Pitcher's (Cirsium pitcheri) Wherever found T
Non-Listed Species No non-listed species
Habitat 0.5 mile of Lake Michigan shoreline beach/dune area averaging 85 feet wide. Site consists of equal portions of non-vegetated beach and vegetated low dunes with an abrupt edge along a forested area. The beach is not good nesting habitat and there are no records of nesting or use by piping plovers on the property. The Service believes the property provides foraging habitat for plovers nesting within the area. The open dune portion of the property contains several hundred Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri)
  • Michigan
Size (Total Area Covered, by State)
  • 91 acres (Michigan)
The Permittees property is 91 acres. A maximum of 5 acres may be potential piping plover habitat.
Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State)
  • Data not available
    • The Permittees property is 91 acres. A maximum of 5 acres may be potential piping plover habitat.

Other Information

Applicant Type private individual
Land Use residential construction
Duration 25 years, 0 months
Plan/Agreement Documents
Federal Register Documents No info