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NREL researchers document their findings in technical reports, conference papers, journal articles, and fact sheets. The following online resources provide publications about hydrogen and fuel cell R&D.

NREL Publications Database

The NREL publications database offers a wide variety of documents related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Search the database or find publications according to these popular keywords:

Fuel cell electric vehicles | fuel cell backup power | fuel cell buses | fuel cell forklifts | fuel cells | hydrogen| hydrogen analysis | hydrogen and fuel cell technical highlights | hydrogen cost | hydrogen infrastructure | hydrogen production | hydrogen safety | hydrogen storage

Selected Publications

View a selection of publications related to our hydrogen and fuel cell projects:

Other Publication Resources

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides a variety of online resources for hydrogen and fuel cell technology publications.

Alternative Fuels Data Center

DOE's Alternative Fuels Data Center provides thousands of documents related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, including hydrogen and fuel cell electric vehicles.

Fuel Cell Technologies Office

DOE's Fuel Cell Technologies Office provides publications, webinars, and videos about hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

SciTech Connect

Because it covers the entire DOE system, SciTech Connect includes hydrogen and fuel cell documents published by all of the national laboratories.