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Visit these websites to learn about federal agencies, national laboratories, international agencies, and partnerships that are working to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Federal Agency Sites

DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Offices

Alternative Fuels Data Center: Fuel Cell Vehicles - The Alternative Fuels Data Center provides information on alternative fuel and vehicle information needs (including fuel cell information).

Hydrogen Storage Materials Database - Provides comprehensive data on hydrogen storage materials, their properties, and literature sources. This site also incorporates the "Hydride Information Center (Hydpark)" database developed through a joint DOE/IEA-HIA effort and formerly hosted by Sandia National Laboratories.

DOE Office of Fossil Energy Hydrogen and Clean Fuels Research - DOE's Office of Fossil Energy is supporting research and development of large-scale stationary fuel cell technologies. This site primarily describes phosphoric acid, molten carbonate, and solid oxide fuel cells.

Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy - A DOE-sponsored source of information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives (e.g., tax credits, deductions, and grants) that promote renewable energy, such as hydrogen and fuel cells.

Environmental Protection Agency - EPA fuel cells and vehicles web page.

National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) - The Electrochemistry Branch of NASA's Glenn Research Center develops and tests components for fuel cell and regenerative fuel cell systems including advanced anodes, cathodes, polymers and other electrolytes, and membranes.

The DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) database contains publications in hydrogen energy research.

DLA H2 Fuel Cell Pilot Program - The Defense Logistics Agency's (DLA) Hydrogen Fuel Cell Pilot Program aims to spur the manufacturing base for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies while evaluating their application for Department of Defense uses. DLA is working to make fuel cells and hydrogen technologies viable in today's marketplace while improving the efficiency and environmental sustainability of its operations.

National Laboratories

Argonne National Laboratory - National laboratory involved in fuel cell research. ANL's Fuel Cell Test Facility is designed for testing and evaluating fuel cell stacks and systems up to 50 kW.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) - LLNL's Chemistry and Materials Science Division conducts research in several fuel cell areas such as solid oxide fuel cells and unitized regenerative fuel cells.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Fuel Cell website - LANL performs key fuel cell research for the DOE. View the main LANL site.

National Energy Technology Laboratory - Performs research in the areas of fuel cells, fuel cell/turbine hybrid systems, and advanced gasification for the production of hydrogen.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - Through its Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies Program, NREL researches, develops, analyzes, and validates fuel cell and hydrogen production, delivery, and storage technologies for transportation, stationary, and portable applications.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Performs key hydrogen and fuel cell research in several areas, such as solid oxide fuel cells, residential-sized fuel cells, hydrogen production technologies, and bipolar plates.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - PNL's Fuel Cell Commercialization website, sponsored by the DOE Office of Power Technologies, focuses on stationary fuel cell power plants for buildings applications.

Sandia National Laboratories - SNL's Hydrogen Program is advancing the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier through research and engineering projects that are integral to DOE's Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program. It is also involved in various fuel-cell related activities and research, including the development of fuel cell vehicles, such as a fuel cell locomotive and lunar explorer vehicle, and leading the US effort in the Russian/American Fuel Cell Consortium.

Savannah River Site - SRS's Savannah River Technology Center Program conducts research in the areas of hydrogen production and storage.

International Agency Sites

Canadian Transportation Energy Technologies Program (TRANSET) supports efforts by Canadian industry to develop and deploy technologies and fuels that provide a cleaner, more sustainable energy mix. Key activities include the development of alternative transportation fuels such as natural gas, propane and new liquid fuels, and advanced transportation systems, including electric vehicles, fuel cells, hydrogen and hybrids.

EC Joint Research Center supports EU policy makers in the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of policies to tackle such trans-national and global problems. In effect, the JRC is a research-based policy support organization working for the EU policy-maker.

International Energy Agency Hydrogen Program International program that supports collaborative activities focused on the advancement of the implementation and utilization of hydrogen technologies. IEA is an autonomous agency that functions as an important energy forum for 26 member countries, including the United States.

International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy works to organize and implement effective, efficient, and focused international research, development, demonstration and commercial utilization activities related to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan NEDO's is focused on the development and promotion of new energy and energy conservation technologies, and management of industrial technology research and development projects. In addition, NEDO promotes international cooperation involving joint R&D and information exchange.

Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment Novem promotes the sustainable development of society in the field of energy and the environment, both on a national and international level.

Risø is a national laboratory under Denmark's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Risø's fuel cell and materials chemistry research activities are focused on solid oxide fuel cells.

Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) is a public research institution dedicated to aerospace research and space science as well as to the technological development in other industrial areas. Its mission is to foster R+D projects as well as to provide technical and scientific support to institutions as well as to the Spanish and international Industry.

Swedish National Energy Administration works towards transforming the Swedish energy system into an ecological and economically sustainable system through guiding state capital towards the area of energy. This is done in collaboration with trade and industry, energy companies, municipalities and the research community.

Swiss Federal Office of Energy implements energy policy, particularly in the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy, energy technologies and subsystems, and international agreements and cooperation.


U.S. DRIVE - Partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy, the USCAR, and other partners from the automobile, fuels, and electric utility industries. The partnership focuses on advanced automotive and related infrastructure technology research and development.

California Fuel Cell Partnership (CaFCP) - A partnership composed of auto manufacturers, energy providers, fuel cell companies, and government agencies aimed at advancing and evaluating new vehicle technologies.

California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) - Nonprofit corporation that offers a meeting forum for discussing opportunities that serve the interests of the hydrogen industries.

Hydrogen Energy Center (HEC) - Group working to introduce hydrogen into the energy economy of Maine and the New England region. HEC is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to demonstrating the benefits and methods of a renewable hydrogen energy economy.

Hydrogen Technology Partnership (HyTeP) - An alliance representing industry, business, research laboratories, universities, and government, working together to enhance the economic development of New Mexico and the nation through a cooperative focus on hydrogen and fuel cell research, development, demonstration, and commercialization.

Hy-Web - A service of L-B-Systemtechnik (LBST), is the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Information System. HyWeb features current hydrogen and fuel cell research, projects, vehicles, and news and events from around the world.

Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA) - Alliance between government, industry, and the scientific community that promotes the development of environmentally friendly solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) using commonly available fossil fuels.

United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) - USCAR is the umbrella organization of DaimlerChrysler, Ford and General Motors, which was formed in 1992 to further strengthen the technology base of the domestic auto industry through cooperative, pre-competitive research.