What is DAPL?

The Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL) is a $3.78 billion pipe being built from the oil-rich Bakken fields in North Dakota, near the Canadian border, through South Dakota and Iowa, to Patoka, Illinois, where it will join up with existing pipelines to transport up to 570,000 barrels a day of crude oil to refineries and markets in the Gulf of Mexico and on the East Coast.  

Very similar to the Keystone XL Pipeline which was ultimately rejected by President Obama, the Dakota Access Pipeline has drawn much controversy among Native American Tribes and activists, as these projects consistently prioritize profit over people and health.

Why should we care?

The 1,172-mile-long pipeline would severely infringe on Native American rights.

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe stands by its right to self-government as a sovereign nation, which includes taking a government-to-government stance with the states and federal government entities, having signed treaties as equals with the United States Government in 1851 and in 1868, which established the original boundaries of the Great Sioux Nation.  The tribe maintains jurisdiction on all reservation lands, including rights-of-way, waterways, and streams running through the reservation.  

The DAPL’s construction would trample on tribal lands and destroy ancient tribal artifacts.  There is also concern over the oil pipeline’s potential to poison waterways, including rivers such as the Missouri River and Lake Oahe.  The tribe says the pipeline disturbs sacred sites and resting places of ancestors, infringes on past treaty promises and already established tribal sovereignty and is a significant danger to their water supply since it passes underneath the Missouri River — the main source of water for the reservation.  

“In honor of our future generations, we fight this pipeline to protect our water, our sacred places, and all living beings.” Stand With Standing Rock official website 2016

While it is hard to face this injustice as reality, we should all be mindful of how individuals can make huge impacts.  

How can you help?

1. Sign the petition to the White House to Stop DAPL:

2. Donate to support the Standing Rock Sioux at

3. Donate items from the Sacred Stone Camp Supply List:

4. Break up with your bank. That’s right, many well known banks are investing in the Dakota Access Pipeline Project.  Citibank has the largest share, is the bank that’s been running the books on the project, and has been convincing other banks to join in.

Other banks providing capital for the construction of the pipeline are: Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, BNP Paribas, SunTrust, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Mizuho Bank, TD Securities, ABN AMRO Capital, and DNB First Bank.

5. Call North Dakota governor Jack Dalrymple at (701) 328-2200. When leaving a message stating your thoughts about this subject remember to be respectful and professional.

6. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414. Tell President Obama to rescind the Army Corps of Engineers’ Permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline.

7. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp Legal Defense Fund:

8. Contribute to the Sacred Stone Camp gofundme account:

9. Call the Army Corps of Engineers and demand that they reverse the permit: (202) 761-5903.

10. Call the executives of the companies that are building the pipeline:

Lee Hanse Executive Vice President Energy Transfer Partners: (210) 403-6455

Glenn Emery Vice President Energy Transfer Partners: (210) 403-6762

Michael (Cliff) Waters Lead Analyst Energy Transfer Partners: (713) 989-2404 or

Police confront protesters with rubber bullets during the protests on Nov. 20

Protests are becoming increasingly violent. Police confront protesters with rubber bullets during protests on Nov. 20.

Mindful of North Brooklyn’s History

We know much of North Brooklyn’s history involves industry, development, and a mix of cultures, but before Northern European settlers arrived, Greenpoint and Williamsburg were inhabited by the Keskachauge Tribe, a sub-tribe of the Lenape. Archives say the land was rich in vegetation and remarkably beautiful, with huge pine and oak forests, meadows, and freshwater creeks.  Sadly, this is no longer a reality.  

Here at NAG, we believe it is crucial to protect the vulnerable, be mindful of our often unjust and violent narratives, and make sure we are progressing towards more respectful and healthy communities.  

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