Wyoming Laws and Incentives

Listed below are the summaries of all current Wyoming laws, incentives, regulations, funding opportunities, and other initiatives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, advanced technologies, or air quality. You can go directly to summaries of:

State Incentives

Alternative Fuel Tax Refund

Any person exporting alternative fuel for which the license tax has been paid is eligible for a refund of the license tax paid. The exporter must submit the refund request within one year of the date of fuel purchase. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 39-17-309(c))

Alternative Fuel Export Tax Exemption

Alternative fuel sold for use in motor vehicles and intended for export from the state by a licensed alternative fuel exporter is exempt from the alternative fuel license tax. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 39-17-301 and 39-17-305)

Alternative Fuel Feasibility Study Grants

The Wyoming State Energy Office (SEO) offers grants of up to $5,000 to municipalities in the state to conduct feasibility studies related to acquiring alternative fuel vehicles or developing fueling infrastructure. Awardees must submit final feasibility studies to the SEO within 180 days of the grant execution date. Eligible applicants are required to provide at least a 10% cash match. Other terms and conditions may apply. Funding is not currently available for this incentive (verified March 2016). For more information, see the SEO Energy Assistance website.

Natural Gas Infrastructure Loans

The Wyoming Business Council (Council) can issue loans to businesses for the cost of the engineering, design, real property, equipment, and labor necessary to install a natural gas fueling station. The loan may cover 75% of the total project cost, up to $1 million. Businesses receiving a loan do not have to pay interest or principal payments for the first two years of the loan term. When considering loan applications, the Council will consider existing fueling infrastructure and the volume of private and government fleet vehicles in the geographic area. For more information on loan requirements and applications, see the Council's Loan Programs website. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 9-12-301 through 9-12-304)

Utility/Private Incentives

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebate - Yellowstone-Teton Clean Cities (YTCC)

YTCC offers a rebate of $5,000 toward the purchase of publicly accessible EVSE. Eligible entities include businesses and municipalities in the communities surrounding Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park. Rebates are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, see the YTCC Vehicle and Infrastructure Rebates website.

Laws and Regulations

Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) Decal Fee

Owners of PEVs, which are vehicles that include any motor vehicle capable of charging from an external source of electricity and contain a rechargeable battery used to propel the vehicle, must pay a one-time decal fee of $50. (Reference House Bill 0002, 2016, and Wyoming Statutes 39-17-301 (a) and 31-3-102 (a))

Alternative Fuel Tax Rate

A license tax of $0.24 per gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) or diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) is collected on all alternative fuel used, sold, or distributed for sale or use in Wyoming. Alternative fuels include compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas (propane), electricity, and renewable diesel. For taxation purposes, one GGE of CNG is equal to 5.66 pounds (lbs.), one DGE of LNG is equal to 6.06 lbs., one GGE of propane is equal to 1.37 gallons, and one GGE of electricity is equal to 33.56 kilowatt-hours. For more information, refer to the Wyoming Department of Transportation Tax Rates website. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 39-17-104, 39-17-204, 39-17-303, and 39-17-304)

Alternative Fuel License Fee

Each alternative fuel supplier, refiner, distributor, terminal operator, importer or exporter of alternative fuel used in motor vehicles must obtain an annual license from the Wyoming Department of Transportation to conduct business in the state. The fee for each type of license is $25. (Reference Wyoming Statute 39-17-306)

Alternative Fuel Definition

Alternative fuels are defined as methanol, ethanol, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (propane), coal-derived liquid fuels, hydrogen, electricity, biodiesel, renewable diesel, fuels other than alcohol that are derived from biological materials, and P-series fuels. Biodiesel is defined as mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats that meets current ASTM biodiesel standards. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 39-17-301)

Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Acquisition Requirements

The Wyoming Department of Administration and Information, University of Wyoming, community colleges, and state agencies must ensure that at least 50% of their vehicle acquisitions that meet the following criteria are dedicated or bi-fuel compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles:

  • The motor vehicle will be stationed in a municipality or locality with an existing or planned CNG fueling station that is or will be accessible with the correct volume, flow rate, and footprint
  • The motor vehicle is readily commercially available in a dedicated or bi-fuel CNG model.

Exceptions apply in situations where CNG or NGVs are not feasible or are economically impractical. The governor may waiver the requirements if the responsible department or agency demonstrates financial hardship. The requirements are effective through June 30, 2017.

(Reference Wyoming Statutes 9-18-101 through 9-18-102, and 9-2-1016)

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Deregulation

A non-utility business that sells CNG for use as a motor vehicle fuel is not regulated as a public utility. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 37-1-101)

Idle Reduction Requirement

A driver may not idle a vehicle on a roadway outside a business or residential district when it is practical to stop and park the vehicle. A driver may not leave a vehicle unattended without first stopping the engine and removing the key from the ignition. (Reference Wyoming Statutes 31-5-505 and 31-5-509)