Funding Opportunities

Funding Terms

The U.S. Department of Energy publicizes available funding through competitive funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), similar to requests for proposals (RFPs) or solicitations.

Laws and Incentives

Clean Cities' Alternative Fuels Data Center maintains a comprehensive database of Federal and State Laws and Incentives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, air quality, fuel efficiency, and other transportation—related topics.

Securing funding is critical to the success of efforts to cut petroleum use in transportation. Funding opportunities for Clean Cities projects are available from many sources inside and outside the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Clean Cities has awarded more than $300 million to fund hundreds of projects across the country that cut petroleum use in transportation. Learn more about Clean Cities projects.

Open Funding Opportunities

Current transportation-related funding opportunities, including Clean Cities funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) issued by the U.S. Department of Energy, are listed below when available. To suggest adding a funding opportunity to this list, contact us.

When applying for funding, contact your Clean Cities coordinator for help navigating the process successfully. Your local coordinator can provide information about Clean Cities FOAs and other funding opportunities.

Clean Cities FOAs are also listed on, the portal for more than 1,000 grant programs administered by federal government agencies.

Other Funding Opportunities

Transportation-related funding opportunities from organizations and federal agencies outside Clean Cities are listed below. Some of the government agencies listed have ongoing funding available; others issue funding notices periodically or assist in forming partnerships that can provide funding opportunities for transportation-related projects.

U.S. Department of Transportation

Environmental Protection Agency

  • National Clean Diesel Campaign: EPA provides funding for emissions and idle reduction devices, vehicle replacements, and alternative fuel options and other strategies that reduce diesel emissions.
  • Grants and Funding Opportunities: EPA provides links to grant programs and information about applying for EPA grants.
  • EPA Regions: EPA regional offices can issue funding for projects in their respective geographic areas, which is the case for programs such as Clean School Bus USA.
  • Environmental Education Grants Program: EPA's Office of Environmental Education supports projects that enhance public awareness, knowledge, and skills to help citizens make informed decisions that affect environmental quality.
  • EPA National Center for Environmental Research Funding Opportunities: This website contains EPA funding opportunities for research, including grants and fellowships, as well as past and present research projects and programs. is an information hub for more than 1,000 grant programs administered by federal government agencies. allows organizations to search and apply for competitive grant opportunities online. Search for grant opportunities on

State Energy Offices

State energy offices research, demonstrate, and deploy renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies; spur energy-related economic development; and promote energy security and emergency preparedness. These offices can help you locate project funding. Find your state energy office from the National Association of State Energy Officials website.

Additional Funding Leads

Explore additional funding opportunities from federal government agencies: