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Lighting Seattle since 1905 Jorge Carrasco, Superintendent

Our Mission: Seattle City Light is a publicly-owned utility dedicated to exceeding our customers' expectations in producing and delivering environmentally responsible, safe, low-cost, reliable power. We are committed to delivering the best customer service experience of any utility in the nation.

Check out our new look
Repeat visitors to Seattle City Light's Web site probably noticed a little something different today. We've updated the home page navigation in an effort to make it easier for you to find the information you want and need. We've improved the search tool. And we've created more display space for news about your municipally owned electric utility. The best Web sites are continually evolving to bring visitors current, interesting content. Our mission is to bring you the best customer experience of any utility in the country and our Web effort is part of that commitment. We hope you enjoy our recent improvements and invite you back to watch us as we work to get even better.

Electronic Billing Now Available
Save Paper, Save Stamps, Save Time
Receive and pay your bill online

Tired of writing checks and licking stamps? Try electronic billing! It's easy, fast and secure. Make one-time payments or choose recurring payments and never miss a bill again!

Get more information and sign up for e-billing

Customer Alert: New Phone Scam Threat
The phone scammers are back. These con artists say they are from City Light, and threaten to disconnect your power unless you give them a credit card number. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! If you believe you have been contacted by a con artist, immediately report the incident to Seattle Police (206) 625-5011. Read the news release.

More Customers Now Eligible for Utility Rate Assistance
Mayor Greg Nickels announced changes to utility rate assistance programs that will help even more residents with their electric and water bills. Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities will now use a single eligibility standard, which is expected to increase participation in the program by up to 5 percent, or about 1,000 residents.
     - Read the news release.
     - Watch the video of the Mayor's announcement.
Check Your Electrical Service Request Status
Seattle City Light offers a convenient online tool to check the progress of your electrical service connection project. This tool will show you when your request has been received, sent to engineering, assigned to a crew, set for metering and then completed. Track your project here.

City Light Issues First Environment Report
Seattle City Light has a long and proud legacy of environmental stewardship. Seattle's municipal electric utility was in the forefront of environmental awareness and protection before it was fashionable to do so, and has remained a recognized leader in this area. From our first conservation programs in the 1970s, to our ground-breaking salmon protection efforts in the 1980s and 1990s, to our aggressive development of alternative energy sources today, our record is second to none in the industry. Our first Environment Report details the proud story of City Light's accomplishments, successes and continuting committment to environmental excellence and innovation.
Read the report.

Seattle City Light Named Climate Action Leader
Seattle City Light has been named a Climate Action Leader by the California Climate Action Registry, which verified that the utility’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory meets one of the most rigorous voluntary reporting standards in the country. This recognition is a direct result of Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels' challenge to find ways to reduce climate-altering activities through his Seattle Climate Action Now initiative. In support of Climate Action Now, City Light measures, reports, and verifies its greenhouse gas emissions through the California Climate Action Registry, an independent third party. The California registry is recognized as a standard setter for tracking and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. Read the press release.

City Light Advisory Committee Issues 2009 Annual Report
The City Light Advisory Committee, an appointed body of energy industry experts, studies and develops recommendations on the utility's financial policies, risk management, energy resources, reliability and human resource needs. The Committee works on projects developed collaboratively with the Mayor, Council and City Light Superintendent and is required to produce a written report each January. The 2009 Report looks back at past recommendations and assesses the degree to which these have been adopted by the utility and City of Seattle, identifies City Light's substantial accomplishments during the last four years, and provides guidance for the future. Read the report.

"Round Up" and Support Project Share
Project Share Logo

To help support our neighbors in need, City Light is asking customers to “round-up” bill payments to the next highest dollar amount, for one year. The extra funds will go directly to helping keep the lights on for customers who otherwise would have to choose between food and electricity. Look for a coupon in your upcoming Light Reading newsletter, included with your utilities bill. Read the press release.

For more information about Project Share and how you might help, please see the Project Share web page.

Find The Right Contractor For Your Project
Is your business looking to save money? Does your business need help with an energy saving or renewable power project? Find the right contractor with Seattle City Light's new Emerald Trade Ally Network. This service will provide you with a list of contractors who have worked with Seattle City Light in the past and are knowledgeable about our cash incentives and renewable energy programs. To find a contractor that meets your specific need, or if you are a contractor and want to join our referral network, use the Emerald Trade Ally network. Find out more.

Cedar-Tolt River Salmon Restoration
City Light and Seattle Public Utilities are using some unusual and innovative methods to open up new habitat for spawning salmon. On the Cedar River salmon are helped over the dam with a 'fish escalator' into pristine river habitat. On the Tolt River, biologists are using Chinook helicopters to create Chinook salmon spawning habitat. See video here.

Final Strategic Plan Expected Soon
In April of 2008, Seattle City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco presented his vision for meeting our long-term energy needs, developing new renewables, improving the reliability and efficiency of our distribution system, and providing the best customer service of any utility in the nation. On September 3, 2008, a draft Strategic Plan was presented to the City Council. Subsequently, the Utility held more than 30 public meetings and workshops to engage customers in our vision for the future.

For more information, read the summary of the current strategic planning effort in our Notices Announcements and Information section. To read the draft plan, visit the City Light Strategic Plan web page.

For more information go to:
News Releases
Notices, Announcements and Information
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels with Seattle City Light Superintendent Jorge Carrasco


Kids Exploring Energy

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» Visit Our Hydroelectric Dams

The Seattle City Light Web Team:

Seattle City Light -- 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200, Seattle, WA 98104-5031 -- 206.684.3000
Mailing address: 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3200, P.O. Box 34023 Seattle, WA 98124-4023