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Workplace Charging Challenge Partner: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Workplace Charging Challenge Partner: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Joined the Challenge: February 2015
Headquarters: Golden, CO
Charging Location: Golden, CO
Domestic Employees: 2,656

NREL's mission is to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engineering, and transfer knowledge and innovations.

A 1,800-car parking garage at NREL's South Table Mountain Campus includes 36 charging stations. In addition to fulfilling its primary function, the garage enables NREL researchers to test various plug-in electric vehicle charging scenarios on the utility electrical distribution network.

In addition to the research purpose, staff use of the charging stations: Helps meet federal Scope 3 GHG goals; Minimizes the laboratory's environmental footprint; and Supports our sustainable campus vision.