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Ted Nickel, NAIC President, Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner

Ted Nickel

NAIC President &
Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner
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4/28/16 — NAIC Supports Flood Bill
John M. Huff, NAIC President and Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance (DOI), Financial Institutions and Professional Registration

3/30/2016 – NAIC Responds to Ruling Rescinding MetLife's "Systemically Important" Label
John M. Huff, NAIC President and Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance (DOI), Financial Institutions and Professional Registration; Adam Hamm, North Dakota Insurance Commissioner and Designated State Insurance Commissioner Serving on FSOC


11/20/2015 – NAIC Statement on Covered Agreement Negotiation
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

7/1/2015 – Statements on Adoption of Cybersecurity and Identity Theft Coverage Supplement
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance
Adam Hamm, North Dakota Insurance Commissioner and Cybersecurity Task Force Chair

6/29/2015 - NAIC Supports Flood Bill
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

6/25/2015 - NAIC Statements on U.S. Supreme Court Upholding ACA Subsidies
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance; Roger Sevigny, New Hampshire Insurance Commissioner and Chair of the NAIC Health Insurance and Managed Care (B) Committee; Senator Ben Nelson, NAIC CEO

5/12/2015 - NAIC statement on discussion draft of "The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015"
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

03/25/15 - NAIC Submits Testimony on FSOC Nonbanks Designations Process
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

02/05/15 - NAIC Statement on Anthem Security Breach
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President and Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance


12/19/14 - NAIC Responds to MetLife Designation by FSOC
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President-Elect and Montana Insurance Commissioner

12/19/14 - NAIC Responds to MetLife Designation by FSOC
Statement from Senator Ben Nelson, NAIC CEO

12/17/14 - Response to TRIA Expiration
Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

12/11/14 - Response to the U.S. House reauthorization of TRIA and passage of NARAB II
Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

10/29/14 - NAIC Supports Congressional Resolution Urging Transparency at IAIS
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

8/26/14 - NAIC Leadership Meets with Deputy Secretary Raskin
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

8/26/14 - NAIC-CMS Coordination Continues
Monica Lindeen, NAIC President-Elect and Montana Insurance Commissioner

8/1/14 - U.S. and EU Regulators Update ‘Way Forward’ Plan
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

7/17/14 - NAIC Statement on TRIA Reauthorization
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

7/17/14 - NAIC Statement on U.S. Territories
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

7/2/14 - NAIC Meets with Treasury and USTR
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

6/20/14 - Statement on House Financial Services Committee Approval of TRIA Legislation
Statement from NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Adam Hamm

6/9/14 - Statement on New HHS Secretary
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

6/4/14 - Statement on the U.S. Senate passing the Insurance Capital Standards Act of 2014
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

6/2/14 - NAIC Statement on Appointment of Tom Sullivan as an adviser to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

4/11/14 - NAIC Statement on Resignation of Kathleen Sebelius
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner

3/5/14 – NAIC Statement on Non-Compliant Plan Extensions
Statement from Adam Hamm, NAIC President and North Dakota Insurance Commissioner


12/17/13 – NAIC Meets with Treasury Secretary Lew
Statement from Jim Donelon, NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner

12/17/13 – NAIC Meets with Treasury Secretary Lew
Statement from Senator Ben Nelson,

12/12/13 – NAIC Statements on FIO Modernization Report
Statements from NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon and NAIC CEO Senator Ben Nelson on the Federal Insurance Office Modernization Report

10/9/13 – NAIC Statement on the Global Insurance Capital Standard
Statement from Sen. Ben Nelson, NAIC CEO

9/20/13 – NAIC Statement on FSOC's Prudential Designation
Statement from Jim Donelon, NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner

9/19/13 – NAIC Statement on FSOC's Prudential Designation
Statement from Sen. Ben Nelson, NAIC CEO

9/10/13 – National Association of Registered Agents and Brokers (NARAB) Reform Act of 2013
Statement from Jim Donelon, NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner

8/29/13 – NAIC Comments on Financial Stability Board Peer Review
Statement from Thomas B. Leonardi, Connecticut Insurance Commissioner and Chair of the International Insurance Relations Committee

8/2/13 – NAIC President Weighs in on Flood Insurance
Statement from Jim Donelon, NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner

7/11/13 – NAIC CEO Reacts to AIG Designation as Systemic
Statement from Sen. Ben Nelson, NAIC CEO

6/13/13 – Regulation of Captives
Statement from Jim Donelon, NAIC President and Louisiana Insurance Commissioner


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