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    Yahoo Privacy Policy > Yahoo Privacy Policy > Yahoo Groups

    Yahoo Privacy

    To find out how Yahoo treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy. This page describes current Yahoo practices with respect to this product. Information on this page may change as Yahoo adds or removes features.

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    Yahoo Groups

    Yahoo Groups offers communications and community tools, including email discussion & newsletter lists, a message archive, chat rooms, file sharing, and photo albums, which allow you to post or display personally identifiable information about yourself. To create a Yahoo Group or take advantage of web-based features of Yahoo Groups, you must be a registered Yahoo user. To join and take part in an email discussion, you do not need to register for a Yahoo account.

    Information Collection and Use Practices
    • You can join or create a Yahoo Group using your Yahoo ID or an alias.
    • You need to give a valid email address to use Yahoo Groups.
    • If you are only a member of a group's email list and do not have a Yahoo account, we will not send you marketing messages. Receiving marketing messages from Yahoo is predicated on you registering for a Yahoo account.
    • Yahoo Groups uses an invisible pixel, sometimes called a web beacon, in HTML email messages to measure activity levels. Yahoo may use this information to further refine our service and the advertising we display.
    Information Sharing and Disclosure Practices
    • Messages you email to the group or that you post through the web site for a Group will always include your email address.
      • Full headers of all email postings can be seen by anyone accessing the messages through the web site.
    • Your full email address will be visible to the owner and moderator(s) of any Group to which you belong.
      • Some Group owners, though, may choose to give members the option to not allow their email addresses to be visible to owner and moderators. Choosing this option may limit your ability to post and take advantage of other features of the Group.
    • In using Yahoo Groups and its various tools, you may make some of your personal information public. You may also choose to share some of your personal information with other Group members.
    • When you share files, post messages, create polls, or add bookmarks to a Group to which you belong, your name, alias and truncated email address will appear next to the file, message, poll or bookmark on the Groups website.
    • The personal email address of Group owners and moderators who invite members to join the Group via the "invite" tool are visible to the recipients of an invitation.
    • Certain information from your Yahoo Profile may be visible to others such as your name, gender, city, online status and other information that you have chosen to make public.
    • If you post personal information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return.
    Practices Regarding Your Ability to Update or Delete Information
    • If you are a Group owner, you can edit or delete any posting or member in your Group. You can also completely delete your Group at any time. Group owners can also grant moderators the ability to edit or delete postings and members from the Group.
    • As a Group member, you can edit your Group memberships and preferences at any time. You can also delete your own messages from a Group.

    This page describes current Yahoo practices with respect to this particular service. This information may change as Yahoo revises this service by adding or removing features or using different service providers. To find out how Yahoo treats your personal information, please visit our Privacy Policy.

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