Ethanol Equipment Options

Equipment Compatibility and Availability

All existing tank and many associated UST equipment manufacturers have prepared letters stating compatibility with ethanol per EPA's guidance for the storage of biofuels blends.

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Fueling stations consists of many interconnected pieces of refueling equipment necessary to deliver fuel to vehicles. There are approximately 60 pieces of equipment at a station designed to handle fuel and vapor. The equipment delivering fuel to a vehicle includes tanks, pipes, a submersible turbine pump, dispenser, and hanging hardware. The remainder and majority of the equipment is used to prevent, detect, and contain releases, and deliver the fuel. Equipment that is compatible for use with ethanol blends above E10 is available in every category from multiple manufacturers. Above ground equipment must be UL listed for the fuel dispensed. Below-ground equipment, which must be compliant with federal code, must either be UL listed for the fuel it dispenses or must have a letter from the manufacturer stating its compatibility with specific ethanol content. See the Handbook for Handling, Storing, and Dispensing E85 and Other Ethanol-Gasoline Blends for lists of compatible equipment and information about how to dispense blends above E10 at a station. If specific equipment is not on the lists, please contact the manufacturer directly as they regularly introduce and retire product lines and models.


  • Underground Tanks: Most existing tanks are compatible with ethanol blends above E10. All existing companies manufacturing steel tanks to store transportation fuels have issued signed letters stating compatibility with up to E100, making them compliant with federal code. All steel tank manufacturers have a UL 58 listing for flammable fuels, which includes all transportation fuels. Fiberglass tank compatibility depends on the manufacturer, the year the tank was manufactured, and the type of tank (single or double wall). Both existing fiberglass tank companies, Xerxes and Containment Solutions, have maintained a UL Standard 1316 listing for E10 for many years. Containment Solutions issued a letter stating that all tanks it has manufactured are compatible all ethanol blends. Xerxes and Owens Corning (which no longer manufactures tanks) have stated that compatibility depends on the tank wall type and the year it was manufactured. For more information, refer to Appendix A in the Handbook for Handling, Storing, and Dispensing E85 and Other Ethanol-Gasoline Blends.

  • Above-Ground Tanks: Above-ground tank manufacturers have also provided statements of compatibility with all ethanol blends including E85.

  • Tank Preparation: If an existing tank is compatible, it must be cleaned prior to storing any blend above E10, including E85. E85 will "clean out" and absorb contamination left behind by years of petroleum fuel storage. Converting diesel equipment might require more thorough cleaning, owing the scale in these systems. Incompatible tanks need to be replaced.

Other Underground Storage Tank Equipment

All existing pipe manufacturers have UL 971 listing for ethanol blends up to E100. To comply with federal code, other underground equipment manufacturers have either UL listed their equipment up to E85 or have stated approval in writing for specific model types with blends above E10. Other underground equipment includes overfill protection, leak detection, shear valves, fill and vapor caps, adaptors, containment sumps, and all associated fittings and accessories. For pipe and other underground storage equipment compatibility, please refer to Appendix B of the Ethanol Handbook.

Above Ground Equipment

There are multiple dispenser options for ethanol blends above E10. Options include retrofitting an existing dispenser with an E25 UL listed kit, purchasing a UL listed E25 dispenser (minimal cost over conventional E10 dispenser), or purchasing a UL listed E85 blender pump dispenser (higher cost but more options for fuel offerings). Both Gilbarco and Wayne sell UL listed E25 and E85 dispensers. Although E85 dispenser failures are rare, fuel contamination problems have been uncovered. In nearly every case, these were attributed to poor tank cleaning or a failure to use the proper filters, nozzle, or hose.

Hanging hardware includes hoses, nozzles, breakaways, and swivels. Both Husky and OPW offer UL listed E25 and E85 nozzles, swivels, and breakaways. Veyance offers UL listed E85 hose.

Shear valves are an important piece of safety equipment that stop the flow of fuel from the underground storage tank to the dispenser. They prevent fuel release in the event of an accident dislodging the dispenser or a fire. UL listed E85 shear valves are available from Franklin Fueling and OPW.

Submersible turbine pumps draw fuel from the tank and into the piping that delivers the fuel to the dispenser. Both Veeder- Root and Franklin Fueling offer UL listed E85 pumps.

For lists of UL E10+ listed dispensers, hanging hardware, shear valves, and submersible turbine pumps, please refer to Appendix C of the Ethanol Handbook.