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Financial Risk, Policy & Controls

The mission of the Office of Financial Risk, Policy and Controls (CF-50) is to contribute to the effective management of the financial resources of the Department of Energy by working in collaboration with our stakeholders, we will achieve the shared goal of continuous process improvement while complying with federal regulations. As stewards of taxpayers' money, we will be an objective source of internal controls expertise while providing the following functions:

Internal Controls - Implement and maintain a complex-wide program for internal controls under the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and OMB Circular A-123.

Financial Policy - Establish and interpret Departmental accounting and financial management policies and develop general procedural requirements for Federal accounting and reporting activities.

Financial Risk Analysis - Perform corporate financial reviews, analysis and reporting to support CFO oversight responsibilities and provide information for senior management decision-making.

Internal Review - Perform internal reviews for testing across the Department for compliance with internal controls and financial policy as required under the CFO Act and OMB Circular A-123.

Audit Resolution - Coordinate the Departments' audit resolution and follow-up activities for the Inspector General (IG) and Government Accounting Office (GAO) as required under OMB Circulars A-50 and A-133.

Employee Benefits - Provide oversight and cost analysis into contractor pension and cost retirement benefits.