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As we evolve into sub-specialized cardiologists, focusing on our chosen cardiovascular sub-specialty, we gradually get distanced from the broader cardiovascular specialty meetings, gravitating more toward our sub-specialty annual Scientific Sessions in interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, heart failure and cardiovascular ... more...
Posted by Ankur Kalra on The Early Career Voice Dec 16, 2016 1:34 PM CST
We’re officially inside the 2016 holiday season! And—however you’re bound to celebrate—I’d bet your tradition relies heavily on eating delicious food… and likely a more than ample quantity of it.   Estimates vary widely in how much weight we gain each year during the holidays. Review of a few popular websites lends support to a few general points: 1. ... more...
Posted by Mark Kaeppler on The Early Career Voice Dec 13, 2016 3:33 PM CST
Medical conferences have become hubbub of displaying the latest in medical technology and knowhow. They give platforms for representing the future and a meeting place for those who were the chief architects for it. Pharmaceutical companies have always been an integral part of this presentation. One can argue about the ethics of it endlessly (read ... more...
Posted by Deepak Padmanabhan on The Early Career Voice Dec 13, 2016 9:52 AM CST