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[ - ] Does anything really happen to the plastic bags after one returns them to the store for "recycling"? Feeling like a sucker for collecting and returning them. 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
You are a sucker. Get reusable bags, it's 2017 FFS [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:51 PM Flag
OP: I have and use the reusable grocery bags, but I still end up with plastic bags and film -- bag on the newspaper every day (sorry, DH is a dead-tree news reader), plastic bags from food products, etc. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
They go on a barge to be burned at sea like the rest of the recycling. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:54 PM Flag
[ - ] Lower-priced private preschools in Manhattan? (other than UPK which we may not get). Suggestions? We live in midtown. 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
catholic schools...blessed sacrament [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:44 PM Flag
and theres another church based one on west 70th but i cant think of the name... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
[ - ] My daughter brought 4 friends home from school with her for a project. Not sure about the spellings, but they are, in turn: Kayley, Kelsey, Chelsea and Casey. 14 years old. 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:41 PM Flag
What, was Seekal out sick today? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
You dont' think a post like this will out you? or you just dont care? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
something tells me there are probably at least 10 schools with the same naming convention and the girls are friends [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:48 PM Flag
That's the whole point, everyone has the same names. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:56 PM Flag
whats so weird about it ...in HS, our group was Marie, AnnMarie, Maria and RoseMarie [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:46 PM Flag
There were five Debbies in my fourth grade class. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:47 PM Flag
Mine was anne, annie, anna, and annabelle. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:48 PM Flag
Jessica, Jessica, Jessica and Jen (I'm Jen) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:51 PM Flag
Just curious: Are you 34? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:55 PM Flag
So what's your kid's name. Shorecheese? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:52 PM Flag
[ - ] When was the last time you went out dancing? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:39 PM Flag
1986. We have frequent dance parties at home, however. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:41 PM Flag
2004, but we do dance parties at home as well. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
DH and I went to a nightclub on Halloween, that was pretty fun. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
Wedding. Last year. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:48 PM Flag
[ - ] Anyone have a friendship that is very one-sided in terms of intimate revelations/advice? I'm happily married and secretive, don't share my private life outside of my marriage. DF is in process of divorce and also dating actively. When we get together she is very candid/revealing/soliciting of advice. I, on the other hand, am "Fine thanks and you?" friend. Is this tenable long-term? I feel like at some point she's going to be all, like, Hey, How come Suzie knows all my private business and I know NOTHING about her life. Or do people like that not care? Or am I overthinking? TIA. 6 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:39 PM Flag
I"m fairly close mouthed about my private life. However, I find most people prefer to talk about themselves so even if I was so inclined, my friends don't allow much room for me to discuss my life. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:40 PM Flag
She will never think that don't worry. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:40 PM Flag
I'm more worried about a "friend" that doesn't ask about how you are etc. She's not a real friend then. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
OP: She asks, but everything really is fine with us, so it's a short part of the conversation. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:46 PM Flag
np: I'm sure she also senses you're revealing as much as you are comfortable. I think if this was an eventual deal breaker your friendship would have dwindled by now. Also FWIW it's a little different talking about relationship experiences with new / random people you're dating vs you're husband. I find I don't reveal details about my husband and I as much as my single friends do about their dates simply because they know us both enough that it's TMI - but maybe I am overthinking as well. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
It's better for your marriage to keep your relationship status - good or bad - between the two of you. Find appropriate ways to share both hopes & worries, but about things that aren't too intimate. (I'm thinking vacations...looking forward to the kids seeing Disneyland but hope they don't tank on the plane trip...how did your kids do last summer? Minor health concerns...Molly's having such a hard time with her permanent teeth coming in, I'm sure she'll need braces! Minor family struggles around homework, chores, activities.) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:51 PM Flag
[ - ] Just came back from a week in southern Missouri...where it is incredibly clean, the people are lovely and it was so peaceful. We don't see ourselves living in rural Missouri, but are there any year round warmer places in the U.S. with the following: good classical music, good libraries, liberal vibe, lots of activities for those interested in books, classical music, culture. Thanks! 8 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:37 PM Flag
Miami. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:41 PM Flag
no personal experience but I would guess college towns: athens GA, Austin, Oxford MS, maybe also sarasota? Some parts of SoCal also [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:42 PM Flag
I grew up in Cape Girardeau, which was a nice enough medical hub/university town and was within proximity of the more 'cultured' activities in St. Louis, etc. It sucked not being white or black though, I was treated like a freakazoid the entire time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
N.Carolina, Hawaii, SoFL. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
Yeah "liberal vibe" not in NC [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:54 PM Flag
Could be in the parts with a lot of educated people. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:55 PM Flag
not even chapel hill? (I really don't know, genuinely curious) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:55 PM Flag
Pasadena, CA [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:55 PM Flag
[ - ] Help me out with Linkedin. I want to send out an e-mail to 50 people. Anyway I can do this without entering each name individually? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:31 PM Flag
I lived there in the Octagon but only lasted 6 months. If I could have bought one of the apartments right over the subway stop and the tram by the starbucks there, I totally would. Unfortunately the walk to the Octagon was just a tad too far and the red bus was frequent but not reliably spaced. (you could wait 30 minutes for one when you could have walked the 15 minutes, meanwhile you've already waited 30 minutes so you might as well keep waiting). On the upside it's a beautiful view of the water and it's quiet and breezy. No real neighborhood spots you'd want to hit up but if you're over the F stop you're one stop from the city or queens. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:46 PM Flag
sorry wrong post!!!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:47 PM Flag
[ - ] Roosevelt Island: what are your thoughts? How much would you pay to live there? Imagine a very large space, 2000 sq ft or more. 18 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:27 PM Flag
OP: also, if you've been there recently and would not live there or if you live there now and would prefer to be somewhere else, is there anywhere else in the city with this number of parks, safety and a decent school at this price point? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:28 PM Flag
^ I think the once place may be Yorkville, but 2nd Ave subway may fix that. Also do think Yorkville is more expensive to buy. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:29 PM Flag
Everyone that I know that lived there moved after 1-2 years. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:28 PM Flag
OP: interesting. Lack of retail? Something else? Were these people with kids, because in my experience the families are all lifers once they arrive and see how safe it is. I don't live there now but am considering buying there, but have sent my kids to the amazing preschool on the island over a number of years and absolutely adore it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:30 PM Flag
^ the retail does completely suck. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:31 PM Flag
prison architecture; have to go bus to deep subway or tram; tram doesn't connect to anything in Manhattan; no retail; pay city income tax without the city amenities. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:33 PM Flag
OP: lol. agreed re architecture, though growing on me. you don't need a bus to the subway if you live within a couple of blocks of the F train, as all the new apartments are. Tram is at 59 and 2nd so one block from subway lines. Agree on retail. It is significantly cheaper than Manhattan so obviously can't compare. But what about as compared to Queens or the less good parts of Brooklyn? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:36 PM Flag
No. Just no. Nice views but has an extremely creepy feel. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:39 PM Flag
op: can you elaborate on creepy feel? do you live in Manhattan or outer borough. what neighborhood would you choose if you could only spend $2 million and had 3 kids? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:50 PM Flag
It's a dump. I feel like I have crawled into a basement hole every time I go. I went once and couldn't get back out because the subway was having problems. And FWIW, I have only ever gone for children's events because a few of my kids' classmates were from there. So, school can't be that good. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
op: interesting re school, thank you. the new cornell campus will be far from a dump so i wonder if that will change things. there is also the tram and soon will be a ferry also, so there are three transport options. and many, many more cabs and ubers than there once was so I have never found myself "stuck" there. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:51 PM Flag
My friends who lived there felt a little isolated once they got home. It felt so much further away than Queens or Brooklyn. Depends if you like to go out after being home after work. Not too many choices on RI. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:46 PM Flag
OP: that's interesting. i'm in jackson heights and am sick of having 200,000 cramped on top of each other. the isolation is almost welcome. retail is bad but i think this may turn around with cornell. not sure though. if you're near train and tram pretty easy to go out after work. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:52 PM Flag
I lived there in the Octagon but only lasted 6 months. If I could have bought one of the apartments right over the subway stop and the tram by the starbucks there, I totally would. Unfortunately the walk to the Octagon was just a tad too far and the red bus was frequent but not reliably spaced. (you could wait 30 minutes for one when you could have walked the 15 minutes, meanwhile you've already waited 30 minutes so you might as well keep waiting). On the upside it's a beautiful view of the water and it's quiet and breezy. No real neighborhood spots you'd want to hit up but if you're over the F stop you're one stop from the city or queens. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:47 PM Flag
op: thank you. I am looking at places right near the subway. totally agree on Octagon (and the red bus), too far to make that work with kids for me. what neighborhoods do you think are equivalent value wise? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
I would never--it's so damned depressing. And as for "safety," I feel like most of the city is pretty damned safe these days. What are you so worried about? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
OP: true re safety, but, for example, I feel safer on roosevelt island than in jackson heights where i live now, at least at night, alone as woman. i have never heard of a shooting on roosevelt island, etc. I love the housing stock in Bed Stuy and many areas of brooklyn, for example, but still would worry about little kids / safety there in any area i could afford. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:56 PM Flag
We were there for almost 4 years, but nearly 10 years ago. We were one of the first to move into the first of the new buildings on the south end (DH worked for one of the hospitals). The retail situation has actually improved quite a bit since then! I liked the space, the views, the quiet, walking or biking around the island with DC, commuting to work on the tram. The lack of shopping/restaurants is definitely a negative. The last time I was there (maybe a couple years now?), I found the contrast between the "old" and new parts of the island really stark - almost like they built the Berlin Wall at Blackwell House. And I don't see that improving when Cornell opens. Where are you looking? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:56 PM Flag
[ - ] Can one "Tour" Connecticut Public Schools ; are they set dates like privates, or can I call and ask to visit ? NYC maybe considering a move. TIA ! 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:24 PM Flag
I called ours and the school secretary showed me around. I don't think they do formal tours of the schools. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:28 PM Flag
no [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
[ - ] Does anyone use their Instant pot? scared of wasting valuable counter space on a dud 6 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:20 PM Flag
See below. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:20 PM Flag
I read the book. Haven't used it even once. :( [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:23 PM Flag
Wtf is an insta pot ? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:32 PM Flag
is this different from a crockpot or pressure cooker? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:37 PM Flag
It is both. It is also a yogurt maker and a rice cooker. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:47 PM Flag
ok, i have a fagor combo pressure cooker, slow cooker and rice cooker (and i bet you could make yogurt in it too but i hate yogurt so irrelevant to me). i use it about once a week but pretty much always as a slow cooker. what od you think you would use it for? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:51 PM Flag
[ - ] Has anyone ever tried discernment counseling before deciding to divorce? What was your eventual decision? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:18 PM Flag
I have never even heard that term. What is it? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:29 PM Flag
Made up bullshit to shake down $$ from unhappy people. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:30 PM Flag
Discernment counseling is short term, and the focus is not on solving marital problems but on seeing if they could potentially be solved. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:45 PM Flag
how does that differ from marriage counseling? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:32 PM Flag
[ - ] I am one of those "dopes" who invests in financial products with an advisor, so I pay those dreaded fees that everyone is always talking about. I invest about $35,000 a year, of which my trusted advisor gets about $1500. He tells me how we should structure our withholdings, he tells us which company plan (that he doesn't represent, and so doesn't get a piece of), he tells us which insurance we should consider (again, from another vendor, so he doesnt get any piece of that business), he recommended the kinds of wills and trusts we should talk to our attorney about (a friend he doesn't know) and he reviews our finances twice a year to see if we are still on track. I mean, I pay an accountant $200 to spend 45 minutes doing my taxes, I spend $250 to have the brakes done on my car,and I spend $150 on average dinners ohte all the time. It's hardly a ripoff to spend $1500 a year to have this kind of advice and service. 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:16 PM Flag
Thank you for getting that that's what you're paying for. I spent 90 minutes working with some pinhead mortgage broker last week because a client was refinancing his beach house. I do this sort of crap all the time for my clients....if anything I'm grossly UNDERpaid. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:20 PM Flag
It's irrelevant how much you invest with him. He's your financial planner, and $1500 is a good price for those services. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:22 PM Flag
think of it this way. If you have this much money to invest, you are already pretty "good" with handling money. Why pay a poor person to help a rich person get richer? I would instead read up on finance and handle it yourself. Invest 1 hour a day reading finance for 6 months and you should know as much as an "advisor" For example, taxes are much much more complicated, no way anyone could learn that in their spare time. But finances have just several basic foundations [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:37 PM Flag
LOLOL. I have doctors are clients. Rich and I'm sure brilliant at their craft. Total idiots about finance and not interested in learning nor inclined. Your so fucking dumb...why would a CEO who makes $10mm/year hire an electrician who makes $250k to wire his man-cave. Same thing. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:46 PM Flag
We've used a financial planner for 25 years. We do a once a year meeting to discuss our goals, what we anticipate investing each year, and just call her when we want her to take action. Yes, we could do this all ourselves, but in truth, she has more time and resources than we do. We credit her for managing us all the way to substantial wealth. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:39 PM Flag
is he any good? have you beaten the market or whatever you feel is the benchmark? they usually just suck. doesn't matter if it's $1500 or $50k. they suck. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:40 PM Flag
She is very good. Relieves us of tremendous stress. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:41 PM Flag
You're an idiot and missed the point entirely. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:44 PM Flag
I think you misunderstand. Using a fee only advisor can be fine, it is the hidden fees, like in insurance annuities, that can eat you up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:47 PM Flag
LOL [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:53 PM Flag
[ - ] If you did divorce mediation, how did you decide to? 1 Reply [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:11 PM Flag
its good if you are both in agreement that you want to have an uncontested divorce and have already decided what you want for DC's ( shared custody etc) and with money, how you are splitting it. in my case, i was married at 23 , divorced at 30. no kids. it was simple easy split. sold our house each took half and each kept our own money & 401K's. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:17 PM Flag
[ - ] I'm adopted and just ordered the Ancestry DNA test ...have any of you been surprised by your results ? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:10 PM Flag
Nope. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:14 PM Flag
One surprise, ex's father born in Cairo, DNA says Persia [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:15 PM Flag
it's not that far away. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:40 PM Flag
A little. I'm not convinced it's super-accurate if you read the fine print of what they're assessing and what the estimated ranges are on what percent of your heritage is _____. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:17 PM Flag
Co-worker was just contacted by a new-to-her cousin via Ancestry DNA. She helped connect the woman with her birth father. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:33 PM Flag
[ - ] My super social , charismatic , funny smart daughter acts completely different in a a new, strange place - so different, completely shy, talking in a baby voice, literally hiding behind my legs. I'm not even sure want to go through the Private K process next year, its bound to be a disaster. 12 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:08 PM Flag
Yours and everyone elses. Chill out. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:10 PM Flag
This. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:16 PM Flag
How old is she? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:11 PM Flag
just turned 4 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:18 PM Flag
She's what, 4? Normal. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:15 PM Flag
Love these people and their "charismatic" toddlers. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:18 PM Flag
LOL. Every mom feels this way till the kid goes to preschool. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:22 PM Flag
And discovers the world is FULL of them. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:23 PM Flag
My DD was like this, including when we went through the K process. We toured and she had playdate interviews at the SS schools and a couple of the co eds. The only one she was completely comfortable at was the school she is at now. In the end it worked out really well for us, and the school we initially thought we wanted her at was a completely horrible experience for her. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:28 PM Flag
lmao. i thought you were gonna say she's at least in college. wtf. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:41 PM Flag
Lol this. How can you tell if a three yo is "charismatic". [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:43 PM Flag
Constantly practice having her in new social settings. Also, practice having other people, like nanny or aunt, take her to different social settings. Social interaction skills are inherent for some, but others can learn. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:44 PM Flag
[ - ] Anyone have the BRCA test? My mother had ovarian cancer so my pmd told me to tell her to get it but she doesn't want to. How much did you have to pay? She is on Medicare and has a supplemental so would her insurance cover? Mine has 3k deductible anyway. 11 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:08 PM Flag
My mom did. I believe it was covered. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:09 PM Flag
op: Because she had ovarian or breast cancer? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:11 PM Flag
Breast cancer. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:13 PM Flag
op: Thanks for the information. Sorry about your mother. Did she have BRCA? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:15 PM Flag
No, so that's very helpful for me to know. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:16 PM Flag
op: Yes. Congrats on that good news! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:28 PM Flag
Does she not want to do it because of $? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:16 PM Flag
op: She is lazy and does not want to go to the doctor. I believe it would be covered since she has Medicare right? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:27 PM Flag
I think so. Hopefully you can convince her to go. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:30 PM Flag
I had it. Insurance covered eventually but it did bounce back. My onc appealed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:23 PM Flag
SIL and DH had the test b/c they were freaked out. (MIL and her sister are both BC survivors.) DH and I were just dating at the time, so I don't know what was covered. Both were negative. GL. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.06.17, 09:35 PM Flag
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