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About PCFV

The Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) is the leading global public-private in23itiative promoting cleaner fuels and vehicles in developing and transition countries.

Established at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2002 in Johannesburg, the PCFV brings together 72 organizations representing developed and developing countries, the fuel and vehicle industries, civil society, and leading world experts on cleaner fuels and vehicles. Our partners combine their resources and efforts to achieve cleaner air and lower greenhouse gas emissions from road transport by applying fuel quality improvements and proven vehicle technologies in use in leading global auto markets.

Following the successful ten-year campaign to end the use of leaded petrol on a global scale, the PCFV was re-launched in October 2012 in London with a renewed focus on;

  • The Lead Campaign: an effort aimed at completing the phase out of leaded petrol in the last countries still using TEL, and to ensure that only catalyst equipped vehicles will be added to national fleets in countries that have completed phase-out;

  • The Sulfur Campaign: an effort to promote the introduction of low sulfur fuels of 50 ppm or less together with the adoption of advanced vehicle emissions standards
News & Updates

Mozambique: Sub-regional Workshop on implementation of Low Sulphur Fuels
7 - 8 November 2016
Ghana: National Low Sulphur Fuels Sensitization
31 October- 1 November 2016
Roundtable on Phasing Out Leaded Gasoline in Iraq & Promoting Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Policies
29-30 August 2016, Singapore
Southern African Customs Union (SACU) countries discuss harmonization of diesel standards
4-5 August 2016
Nigeria Hosts a Sub Regional Workshop on Promotion of Low Sulphur Fuels in Nigeria and ECOWAS Countries.
15-16 June 2016
The PCFV holds its 11th Global Partners Meeting
6 - 7 June 2016, London
Kenya Holds a Regional Workshop on Promoting Soot Free and Sustainable Transport in Africa
30 – 31 May 2016, Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya – National Workshop on Fuel Economy Feebate and Vehicle Labelling programme
12 May 2016 Nairobi, Kenya
Botswana holds a national workshop on low sulphur fuels and fuel economy vehicles
22- 23 March 2016, Francistown, Botswana
Philippine and ASEAN stakeholders support Euro 4 vehicle emission standards
23-24 February 2016 Manila,Philippines
Zimbabwe holds a national workshop on reducing transport emissions
26 January 2016, Harare, Zimbabwe
The PCFV shares its leaded petrol elimination experience with the Lead Paint Alliance
2-3 December 2015
The AfDB Transport Forum 2015 discusses the role of transport for green and inclusive growth
26 -27 November 2015 in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire
Stakeholders propose cleaner heavy duty diesel vehicle standards in Kenya
28 October, 2015 Nairobi Kenya
Dar es Salaam City proposing cleaner bus standards for Tanzania
21 October, 2015 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The PCFV attends the ARA Specification and Refining Working Group meeting
7-8 October 2015 Suez Egypt
Upcoming Events
National Workshop to launch the GFEI national projects, as well as to promote cleaner fuels and vehicles
Colombia, 12-13 December 2016
Event : Final Dissemination Workshop on Fuel Economy Policy Options for Light Duty Vehicles for Egypt, Marriot Hotel, Cairo
14 December 2016
Official Launch of the Northern Corridor Green Freight Strategy, Mombasa, Kenya
14 December 2016
National Workshop to launch the GFEI national projects, as well as to promote cleaner fuels and vehicles
Dominican Republic, 15-16 December 2016
Malawi: Low Sulphur Fuels and GFEI Launch Workshop
December 2016

PCFV Tools


Clean Fleet Toolkit

Regulatory Toolkit

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