Programs & Activities: Listed by State

Idaho | Montana | Oregon | Washington | Wyoming

A&B Irrigation District - Unit A Pumping Plant #2 Draft EA
American Falls Reservoir District #2 Proposed Title Transfer EA
American Falls RMP
Anderson Ranch Dam Security Enhancement Project EA and FONSI
Anderson Ranch Dam Water Supply Study
Biological Assessment for Bull Trout Critical Habitat in the Upper Snake River Basin
Biological Assessment for Operation of the Lewiston Orchards Project, Idaho
Black Canyon Reservoir & Montour WMA RMP
Black Canyon Dam Third Hydroelectric Generating Unit Project
Boise/Payette Water Storage Assessment Study
Bull Trout Program
C.A.S.T. for Kids
Deer Flat Dam Lower Embankment Security Enhancement Draft EA
Deer Flat Dam Upper Embankment Project EA and FONSI
Ecologically-Based Systems Management Report
The Effects of Climate Change on the Operation of Boise River Reservoirs
Fort Hall National Historic Landmark Bank Stabilization Project EA
Fremont-Madison Irrigation District Title Transfer EA
Henrys Fork Basin Study
Idaho Irrigation District District Lands Inclusion/Exclusion Draft EA
Instream Flow Assessment, Big Eightmile Creek, Bohannon Creek, and Hayden Creek, Idaho
Instream Flow Assessment, Big Timber, Idaho
Lake Cascade RMP
Lewiston Orchards Project Water Exchange and Title Transfer
Little Wood River Irrigation District Pressurized Pipeline Irrigation Delivery System EA
Lucky Peak Water Service Contracts Renewal or Conversion EA and FONSI
Million Acre Feet Impact Analysis
Minidoka Dam Spillway Replacement Project
Minidoka Dam Spillway Replacement Project EIS
Minidoka North Side RMP
Modeling Spatial Water Allocation and Hydrologic Externalities in the Boise Valley
Paleontological Resource Excavation at American Falls
Palisades Dam Security Enhancement Project EA
Partial Assignment of New Union Ditch Company Ltd.'s Contract Entitlement in Lucky Peak Reservoir EA and FONSI
Pioneer Irrigation District Title Transfer Proposal EA and FONSI
Poison Creek Campground Replacement Project Draft Environmental Assessment
Pole Flat Area Baseline Condition Assessment
Programmatic EA (and FONSI) for Implementing Fish Habitat Improvement Measures in Four Mountain Snake Province Subbasins
Proposed Increase in Discharge from Sorrento Lactalis Plant
Repairs to Deadwood Dam Access Bridge and Operational Changes to Support Research Activities in the Deadwood River EA and FONSI
Ririe Dam and Reservoir Proposed Interim Operations
Ririe Reservoir RMP
Teton Dam History
Teton River Canyon RMP and EA
Security Enhancements at Idaho Dams
2007 Upper Snake Biological Assessment
2004 Upper Snake Biological Assessment and Opinions
Yankee Fork Rehabilitation Project

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Upper Columbia Alternative Flood Control and Fish Management EIS

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Agate Lake RMP
Arthur R. Bowman Dam Safety of Dams Modifications EA
Biological Assessment for Bureau of Reclamation Future Operations and Maintenance in the Tualatin River Subbasin
Biological Assessment on the Future Operation and Maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project
Burnt River Water Temperature Study Steering Committee Final Report
Camper's Cove Resort Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI
C.A.S.T. for Kids
Central Oregon Irrigation District Water Conservation Project EA and FONSI
City of Hermiston Recycled Water Pipeline and Outfall License Agreement EA & FONSI
Cline Irrigation District Water Conservation Project FONSI
Deschutes River Watershed Restoration
Eastern Oregon Water Storage Appraisal Study
Emigrant Lake RMP
Farmers Irrigation District: Lower Distribution Pressurization Project EA
Greenberry Irrigation District Proposed Water Service Contract EA and FONSI
Henry Hagg Lake RMP
Indian Rock Estates Access Road Easement EA and FONSI
Larson Creek Pipeline and Fish Passage Project EA and FONSI
Junction City Water Control District Long-Term Irrigation Water Service Contract EA and FONSI
Klum Landing Campground Improvement Project EA and FONSI
One Year Water Rental from Skyline Farms for Salmon Flow Augmentation FONSI
Operations Description of the Deschutes River Basin Projects
Owyhee Reservoir RMP
Oxbow Site Management Plan
Powder House Cove Expansion FONSI and Final Environmental Assessment
Prineville Reservoir RMP
Prineville Reservoir Repeater Tower EA
Programmatic EA for Implementing Fish Habitat Improvement Measures in Three John Day Subbasins
Proposed Boundary Adjustment for the Westland Irrigation District EA and FONSI
Proposed Wanapa Energy Center Record of Decision
Proposed Water Service Contract Palmer Creek Water District Improvement Company EA and FONSI
Request for Contract to Conduct Mining Activities in the Sucker Creek Withdrawal EA and FONSI
Tumalo Feed Canal Piping Project EA and FONSI
Tyler Creek Wasteway Stabilization EA and FONSI
Umatilla Basin Final Water Supply Appraisal Study
Upper Deschutes Basin Study
West Extension Irrigation District Boundary Adjustment EA and FONSI
Willamette River Basin Project Supplemental Biological Assessment

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Banks Lake Drawdown EIS
Banks Lake RMP
Beaver Creek Weirs Renovation Project FONSI and Final EA
Benton Irrigation District Water Conservation Program EA and FONSI
C.A.S.T. for Kids
Cle Elum Dam Fish Passage Facilities and Fish Reintroduction Project Final EIS
Columbia Basin Farm Unit Maps
Consent to Use Permit — Fiber Optic Project Environmental Assessment
Entiat River Offstream Water Wells Implementation
Hidden Beach Stabilization Project EA and FONSI
John W. Keys III Pump-Generating Plan Modernization Scoping
Lake Roosevelt Incremental Storage Releases Project EA and FONSI
Lower Stokes Fish Passage Improvement Project
Manastash Creek Tributary Enhancement Program
Odessa Subarea Special Study
Odessa Subarea Special Study Final Environmental Impact Statement
Potholes Reservoir RMP and EIS
Potholes Reservoir Supplemental Feed Route EA and FONSI
Potholes Supplemental Feed Route
Preston Reach Habitat Complexity Project – Phase 1 EA and FONSI
Schaake Property Habitat Improvement Project
Steamboat Rock State Park Campground Addition EA and FONSI
Sunnyside Division Board of Control Water Conservation Program EA and FONSI
Sunnyside Division Phase 2 Conservation Plan EA and FONSI
Sunnyside Division RRM Water Conservation Project EA and FONSI
Taneum Creek Study:The Bruton-KRD Water Exchange Project
Third Power Plant Generating Units Overhaul Activities EA
Tributary Habitat Program
Two Shoreline Protection Systems at Lake Roosevelt Draft EA
Upper Columbia Alternative Flood Control and Fish Operations EIS
Upper Stokes Fish Passage Improvement Project
Yakima Dams Fish Passage Study
Yakima River Basin Interim Operating Plan
Yakima River Basin Study
Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study
Yakima River Basin Water Storage Feasibility Study Final Planning Report and EIS

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Ground Motion Evaluation for Jackson Lake Dam Jackson Lake Dam Seismic Risk Analysis

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Last Updated: 9/1/16