Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region
Major Storage Reservoirs in the Boise & Payette River Basins

PABI - North Fork Payette River near Banks, IDMFPI - Middle Fork Payette River near Crouch (USGS) MCII - Mann Creek bel Adams Cr abv Reservoir MAN - Mann Creek Reservoir PLEI - Payette River near Letha, ID SQWI - Squaw Creek at Sweet, ID BOMI - Boise River near Middleton, ID EMM - Black Canyon Dam & Reservoir on Payette River near Emmett, ID ETSI - Emmett, ID, Southside Canal (aka Black Canyon SS Canal) ETNI - Emmett, ID, Northside Canal CSCI - North Fork Payette River at Cascade DEDI - Deadwood River below Deadwood Dam PRLI - South Fork Payette River at Lowman, ID BRFI - South Fork Boise River near Featherville, ID ANDI - South Fork Boise River at Anderson Ranch, ID BTSI - Boise River near Twin Springs, ID LUC - Lucky Peak BSEI - Diversions from Boise River (New York Canal) BIGI - Boise River at Glenwood Bridge, ID HRSI - Payette River near Horseshoe Bend PRPI - Payette River near Payette PARI - Boise River near Parma LUC - Lucky Peak Reservoir CSC - Cascade Reservoir ARK - Arrowrock Reservoir AND - Anderson Ranch Reservoir LOW - Lake Lowell Reservoir DED - Deadwood Reservoir MFPI - Middle Fork Payette River near Crouch (USGS) Clickable Reservoir Storage and Streamflow Diagram
PROVISIONAL DATA - Subject to change
Boise River system (Anderson Ranch, Arrowrock, Lucky Peak) is at % of capacity.
Total space available: AF
Total storage capacity: 949700 AF
Natural Flow: CFS
Payette River system (Cascade, Deadwood) is at % of capacity.
Total space available: AF
Total storage capacity: 800452 AF
Natural Flow: CFS
Graph of Boise System Storage
Graph of Payette System Storage

Average daily streamflows indicated in cubic feet per second.
Reservoir levels current as of midnight on date indicated.
Click on gaging stations (red dots) for streamflow hydrographs.

Key to Station Codes
Boise Project Information
Last Updated: 12/5/16