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Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2012 - 2015

Our Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan is designed to create a culture which values trust and human dignity and provides the opportunity for personal development and self- fulfillment in the attainment of DOE’s mission and goals. The 2012- 2015 strategic plan has three essential pillars – mission focus, accountability, and continual learning. It also:

  • Creates a universal definition of diversity and inclusion.
  • Designs strategic outreach and recruitment initiatives to reach all segments of society.
  • Creates an internal DOE-wide Diversity and Inclusion Council to monitor progress and support employee engagement.
  • Promotes effective communication with employees and stakeholders to heighten awareness of diversity and inclusion issues and share best practices.
  • Promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity in leadership development programs and continual learning.
  • Sets a path to demonstrate leadership commitment and accountability to diversity and inclusion.

Download the plan below. You can read more about our diversity and inclusion intiatives here.