Data Definitions

San Diego Gas & Electric

Habitat Conservation Plan

USFWS Region(s) 8
USFWS Field Office(s) Carlsbad Fish And Wildlife Office
Permits 809637
Status I
NEPA Process environmental assessment
Involved Agency USFWS

Date Information

Date Noticed in Federal Register 11/06/1995
Date Permit Issued 12/18/1995
Date Application Withdrawn
Date Permit Expired ---
Date Permit Denied ---
Date Permit Suspended ---
Date Permit Revoked ---

Area Description Information

Location San Diego Co., CA
Listed Species
Non-Listed Species
  • Q3AO|Agave, Shaw's - (Agave shawii) Wherever found SC
  • Q253|Aphanisma - (Aphanisma blitoides) Wherever found SC
  • ZZ88|Badger, American - (Taxidea taxus)
  • Q0UK|Barrel cactus, coast - (Ferocactus viridescens) Wherever found SC
  • Q19Q|Beargrass, Dehesa - (Nolina interrata) Wherever found RT
  • Q31C|Bird's-beak, Orcutt's - (Cordylanthus orcuttianus) Wherever found SC
  • B06P|Blackbird, tricolored - (Agelaius tricolor) Wherever found UR
  • C058|Boa, coastal rosy - (Charina trivirgata roseofusca) Wherever found SC
  • Q09I|Brodiaea, Orcutt's - (Brodiaea orcuttii) Wherever found SC
  • Q1NZ|Butterweed, Gander - (Packera ganderi) Wherever found SC
  • Q2O1|Ceanothus, Lakeside - (Ceanothus cyaneus) Wherever found SC
  • Q30P|Ceanothus, wart-stemmed - (Ceanothus verrucosus) Wherever found SC
  • Q1AR|Cholla, snake - (Opuntia parryi serpentina) Wherever found SC
  • B06S|Curlew, long-billed - (Numenius americanus) Wherever found RT
  • R00C|Cypress, Tecate - (Cupressus forbesii) Wherever found SC
  • ZZ63|Deer, southern mule - (Odocoileus hemionus fuliginata)
  • Q0O9|Dudleya, short-leaved - (Dudleya blochmaniae brevifolia) Wherever found RT
  • Q0OI|Dudleya, variegated - (Dudleya variegata) Wherever found SC
  • B008|Eagle, bald - (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) lower 48 States DM
  • B06U|Egret, reddish - (Egretta rufescens) Wherever found SC
  • B01H|Falcon, American peregrine - (Falco peregrinus anatum) Wherever found DM
  • C05A|Gecko, San Diego banded - (Coleonyx variegatus abbotti) Wherever found SC
  • Q3IT|Goldenbush, Palmer's - (Ericameria palmeri ssp. palmeri) Wherever found SU
  • Q18V|Goldenstar, San Diego - (Muilla clevelandii) Wherever found SC
  • Q3DF|Grapplinghook, Palmer's - (Harpagonella palmeri palmeri) Wherever found SC
  • I0L5|Hairstreak, Thorne's - (Mitoura thornei) Wherever found RT
  • B06X|Hawk, ferruginous - (Buteo regalis) Wherever found RT
  • B070|Hawk, Swainson's - (Buteo swainsoni) Wherever found RT
  • Q15L|Hosackia, prostrate - (Lotus nuttallianus) Wherever found SC
  • B071|Ibis, white-faced - (Plegadis chihi) Wherever found SC
  • A0G7|Jackrabbit, San Diego black-tailed - (Lepus californicus bennettii) Wherever found SC
  • Q2S8|Jewelflower, Payson's - (Caulanthus simulans) Wherever found SC
  • Q0OE|Liveforever, many-stemmed - (Dudleya multicaulis) Wherever found SC
  • Q0OJ|Liveforever, sticky-leaved - (Dudleya viscida) Wherever found RT
  • C05W|Lizard, San Diego horned - (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillii) Wherever found SC
  • Q03H|Manzanita, Otay - (Arctostaphylos otayensis) Wherever found SC
  • Q0AD|Mariposa lily, Dunn's - (Calochortus dunnii) Wherever found SC
  • A0HV|Mountain lion, California - (Felis concolor californica) Wherever found RT
  • ZZ26|Mouse, Dulzura California pocket - (Chaetodipus californicus femoralis)
  • A0GA|Mouse, Jacumba little pocket - (Perognathus longimembris internationalis) Wherever found SC
  • A0BU|Mouse, Los Angeles little pocket - (Perognathus longimembris brevinasus) Wherever found SC
  • ZZ28|Mouse, northwestern San Diego pocket - (Chaetodipus fallax fallax)
  • ZZ27|Mouse, pallid San Diego pocket - (Chaetodipus californicus pallidus)
  • A0GE|Mouse, southern grasshopper - (Onychomys torridus ramona) Wherever found SC
  • Q2E4|Mousetail, little - (Myosurus minimus apus) Wherever found SC
  • Q1PN|Nightshade, narrow-leaved - (Solanum tenuilobatum) Wherever found SC
  • B0AR|Owl, western burrowing - (Athene cunicularia ssp. hypugaea) Wherever found SC
  • B02L|Pelican, brown - (Pelecanus occidentalis) except U.S. Atlantic coast, FL, AL DM
  • R00I|Pine, Torrey, Del Mar - (Pinus torreyana torreyana) Wherever found SC
  • Q2C7|Pitcher-sage, Gander's - (Lepechinia ganderi) Wherever found SC
  • Q2C6|Pitcher-sage, heart-leaved - (Lepechinia cardiophylla) Wherever found SC
  • B078|Plover, mountain - (Charadrius montanus) Wherever found RT
  • C05C|Rattlesnake, northern red diamond - (Crotalus ruber ruber) Wherever found SC
  • Q26H|Reedgrass, dense - (Calamagrostis koelerioides) Wherever found RT
  • Q18J|Rock-mint, felt leaf - (Monardella hypoleuca lanata) Wherever found RT
  • Q3FI|Rose, small-leaved - (Rosa minutifolia) Wherever found SC
  • Q3AC|Sand aster, Del Mar - (Corethrogyne filaginifolia linifolia) Wherever found RT
  • ZZ80|Savory, San Miguel - (Satureja chandleri)
  • C05D|Skink, Coronado - (Eumeces skiltonianus interparietalis) Wherever found SC
  • I014|Skipper, wandering - (Panoquina errans) Wherever found SC
  • C05F|Snake, coast patch-nosed - (Salvadora hexalepis virgultea) Wherever found SC
  • C05I|Snake, San Diego ringneck - (Diadophis punctatus similis) Wherever found SC
  • C05K|Snake, two-striped garter - (Thamnophis hammondii) Wherever found SC
  • D02Z|Spadefoot, western - (Spea hammondii) Wherever found UR
  • B088|Sparrow, Belding's savannah - (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi) Wherever found SC
  • B07H|Sparrow, large-billed savannah - (Passerculus sandwichensis rostratus) Wherever found SC
  • B09E|Sparrow, Southern California rufous-crowned - (Aimophila ruficeps canescens) Wherever found SC
  • B08T|Tern, elegant - (Sterna elegans) Wherever found SC
  • Q2WI|Tetracoccus, Parry's - (Tetracoccus dioicus) Wherever found SC
  • Q0F2|Turkish rugging - (Chorizanthe staticoides chrysacantha) Wherever found RT
  • C04V|Turtle, southwestern pond - (Actinemys marmorata pallida) Wherever found SC
  • Q0TP|Wallflower, coast - (Erysimum ammophilum) Wherever found SC
  • C04C|Whiptail, orange-throated - (Cnemidophorus hyperythrus) Wherever found SC
  • A0GN|Woodrat, San Diego desert - (Neotoma lepida intermedia) Wherever found SC
  • B08Y|Wren, San Diego cactus - (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus couesi) Wherever found RT
Habitat Many different habitats
  • California
Size (Total Area Covered, by State)
  • 124 acres (California)
and up to a maximum of 400 acres, with 50 miles of electric transmission and/or new gas transmission lines.
Enrolled Size (Total Area Enrolled, by State)
  • Data not available
    • and up to a maximum of 400 acres, with 50 miles of electric transmission and/or new gas transmission lines.

Other Information

Applicant Type corporation
Land Use gas and oil production
Duration 55 years, 0 months
Plan/Agreement Documents
Federal Register Documents No info