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EERE Legislative Affairs Team

The mission of Legislative Affairs is working in close coordination with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Congressional Affairs, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE's) budget office to serve as the primary liaison between EERE technology offices and congressional authorizing committees, as well as other committees and offices. Legislative Affairs also provides corporate guidance on congressional interaction and strategic advice on legislation relevant to EERE.

Why it Matters

  • We lead EERE interactions with Congress, including preparing and staffing EERE leadership and program offices for congressional briefings and hearings, in addition to educating members of Congress and their staff about EERE's portfolio and accomplishments.
  • We coordinate policy formulation and technical assistance related to policy between EERE's leadership, Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs), DOE Policy and Internationals Affairs, and General Counsel. This coordination includes monitoring relevant legislation and helping policymakers better understand impacts, as well as reviewing proposed federal rules for impact to EERE and coordinating EERE comments to improve those proposals.
  • We coordinate and manage the annual congressional tour of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

See the full list of the U.S. Department of Energy's congressional testimonies, including testimony from EERE's senior leaders.