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Wholesale spot petroleum prices, 12/29/2016 close
Product Area Price % change*
Crude Oil ($/barrel) WTI 53.80 -0.4
  Brent NA +NA
  Louisiana Light 55.15 -0.5
Gasoline (RBOB) ($/gallon) NY Harbor 1.68 -0.3
  Gulf Coast 1.66 +0.2
  Los Angeles 1.69 +2.6
Heating Oil ($/gallon) NY Harbor 1.60 -0.9
  Gulf Coast 1.51 +0.7
3:2:1 Crack Spread ($/barrel) Gulf Coast (LLS) 14.43 +3.7
Low-Sulfur Diesel ($/gallon) NY Harbor 1.70 +0.3
  Gulf Coast 1.65 +0.7
  Los Angeles 1.74 +0.3
Propane ($/gallon) Mont Belvieu, TX 0.71 +3.4
Source: Daily Prices

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