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The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) News section includes current news releases, EERE Network News, EERE’s bi-monthly magazine Amped Up!, resources for media, and subscription information. Connect with EERE through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube to share clean energy news around the globe.

News Releases

An image of digital news screens.
Read breaking news announcing EERE's accomplishments, research initiatives, funding opportunities, progress alerts, and more.


EERE Weekly Digest

An image of the EERE email newsletter.
Read the latest clean energy news from EERE - sent to your inbox weekly on Thursdays.


Amped Up! Magazine

An image of Amped Up! magazine cover.
A bi-monthly account of the advancement of technologies and achievements influencing global change.


Resources for Media


For news in a specific technology program area, subscribe to the following newsletters and email news updates.

Advanced Manufacturing

Manufacturing News Updates and Funding Opportunities
Receive updates from the Advanced Manufacturing Office, including information on its R&D portfolio, Better Plants program, other partner activities, events, tools, training, and webcasts, and funding opportunities.


Bioenergy News Blast
The Bioenergy "News Blast" highlights program events, solicitations, publications, related blogs, and other relevant information.

Bioenergy Technologies Office Education Updates
Receive periodic Bioenergy Technology Office education updates.


Building Technologies Office News and Event Updates
These updates include periodic notices of special news, events, and live webinars related to the Building Technologies Office.

Building America Update
Get updates from Building America about improving home energy efficiency, research projects and activities, Best Practices guides, and residential building efficiency meetings. Building America helps developers, buildings, and manufacturers in the residential building industry improve the quality and energy efficiency of homes.


The Portal Post
The Portal Post covers the latest updates on the Energy Innovation Portal, including new features and content, upcoming events, featured EERE technologies, and featured research partners and licensing professionals.

Federal Energy Management

FEMP Digest

The FEMP Digest is a weekly e-newsletter for the federal community that provides information on FEMP news and upcoming tranings, conferences, and seminars.

Fuel Cells

Program Newsletterand Funding Opportunities
The Fuel Cell Technologies Office's monthly newsletter highlights program news, funding opportunities, workshops, events, and recent publications.


Workshops, Webinars, and Webcasts
These notifications include periodic notices of workshops, webinars, and webcasts related to the Geothermal Technologies Office.

Funding Opportunity Announcements
These notifications provide details and updates on upcoming and current funding opportunities through the Geothermal Technologies Office

Green Power

Green Power Monthly Update
Green Power Network's monthly updates provide news and information on green power markets and products. Subscribers are also notified periodically of upcoming events and opportunities, publications, and other analyses relating to green power markets.

RFP Notifications and Updates
The Green Power Network periodically emails solicitations for renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power.


SunShot Newsletter
The SunShot Newsletter highlights the key activities, events, funding opportunities, and publications that the Solar Energy Technologies Office has funded during the past quarter.

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network

The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) updates include new guidance documents and webinars on how state and local energy efficiency policies and programs are designed and implemented, based on state and local experience. Areas covered include residential, commercial and industrial efficiency, combined heat and power, energy use transparency, financing, energy codes, ratepayer-funded efficiency, and others.


Clean Cities Now
Clean Cities Now is the official biannual newsletter of Clean Cities, an initiative designed to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector by advancing the use of alternative and renewable fuels, fuel economy improvements, idle-reduction measures, and new technologies, as they emerge.

Electric Vehicle Community Readiness Updates
Electric Vehicle Community Readiness Updates is an occasional newsletter describing new resources for preparing communities for plug-in electric vehicles, including webinars, project announcements, and reports.

EPAct State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Newsletter
The EPAct State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Newsletter is a semiannual electronic newsletter that provides fleet managers and stakeholders with updates about the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program and the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).

National Idling Reduction Network News
National Idling Reduction Network News is a monthly newsletter detailing activities of transportation organizations that are working together to reduce heavy vehicle idling in the United States.

Transportation Energy Systems Analysis Newsletter
The Transportation Energy Systems Analysis Newsletter is a quarterly mailing about the latest research, publications, and updates in the analytical community, especially those supported by the Vehicle Technologies Office.

Transportation Fact of the Week Newsletter
The Transportation Fact of the Week Newsletter provides a weekly factoid about energy and automotive markets with an accompanying graph or chart.

Vehicle Technologies R&D Updates
The Vehicle Technologies R&D Update is a quarterly newsletter providing information on funding opportunities, success stories, and reports on research supported by the Vehicle Technologies Office.

Workplace Charging Challenge News
The Workplace Charging Challenge News is a quarterly update about resources, updates, and successes relating to workplace charging.

Weatherization and Intergovernmental

Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals
The Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals Project encourages the growth of a skilled, credentialed workforce as well as a high-quality residential energy upgrade industry.

Technical Assistance Program Alerts
Technical Assistance Program (TAP) alerts provide regular updates on webinars, funding opportunities, news, and events relevant to state, local, tribal, and K-12 school district leaders working to unlock a clean energy economy.


Water Power Breaking News Updates
The Water Power Program News Alerts provide information updates and notices for funding opportunity announcements, program activities, events, and publications.


Wind Program Newsletter
The Wind Program Newsletter includes recent and breaking news about the Wind Program's research and development projects, accomplishments, upcoming events, funding opportunities, and recent publications.

WINDExchange Newsletter
Receive updates from the WINDExchange, which provides information information about events and webinars, funding opportunities, new publications, successes stories, and other program activities.