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Compliance & Risk Assessment

PPPO scientists work to identify, analyze, and mitigate environmental hazards and risks to protect human health and safety and the environment. PPPO works proactively with state and federal regulatory agencies to ensure safe, effective, and compliant cleanup at the Sites.

Regulatory Compliance

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PPPO works with multiple regulatory agencies that promote safety and environmental quality regionally and nationally.  In Ohio, our office works with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA) under a U.S. District Court Consent Decree and a subsequent Administrative Consent Order of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), establishing oversight of the Portsmouth cleanup.  In Kentucky, we work closely with the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KDEP) and U.S. EPA Region 4 under a 1998 Federal Facility Agreement that was implemented following the placement of the Paducah site on U.S. EPA’s National Priorities (“Superfund”) List in 1994.  DOE works cooperatively with these agencies to develop strategies and regulatory milestones to complete environmental cleanup projects at the Portsmouth and Paducah sites that will mitigate environmental risks, protect public health, and ensure the safety of local residents and workers.

Environmental Risk Assessment

PPPO subject-matter experts analyze possible environmental hazards and provide risk assessment information to help inform various environmental decision-making processes.  In doing so, the office consistently tracks its ongoing and projected Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements.  To address CERCLA requirements, numerous risk-related activities include (but are not limited to) input to and quality assurance of Sampling and Analysis Plans, Work Plans, and Quality Assurance Project Plans. 

Risk evaluation tools such as the Human Health and Ecological Risk Methods documents for Portsmouth and Paducah provide agencies-approved guidance for conducting screening and baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments.  These assessments provide critical decision-making information for Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study reports, which are then followed by Proposed Plans and Record-of-Decision documents.  More >