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Jobs & Internships

Jobs & Internships

Our Pledge

We at the Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management pledge to make every effort to seek out, employ, develop and retain the most talented, diverse and inclusive workforce possible.  We understand that by having a diverse and inclusive workforce we strengthen our organization and increase our ability to adapt to change.   We pledge to continue to strive toward creating and sustaining a work environment that is completely fair, transparent, and accommodating to all of our employees. 

We believe that diversity and inclusion is foundational and essential to our ability to maintain our resilience, growth and success as an organization.  That being said, the ability to seize the opportunity to gain a competitive edge is not by happenstance, rather, it is through our continued commitment and diligence to build an organization that is reflective of our nation’s society and to provide a workplace environment that is free from personal and social barriers that impede or limit the opportunities of our employees ability to excel in our organization and to make significant contributions.

We recognize that although we share similarities and common interest, it is through our collective differences that we are strengthened as individuals and as an organization. Therefore, our full potential and success as an organization is realized through fostering an environment where each employee’s contributions are viewed as valuable and significant towards accomplishing our goals and objectives which defines our mission to clean-up the legacy of five decades of nuclear weapons production.   For each and every one of our employees our goal is to:

  • Affirm differences in interest, knowledge, ideology, background  and purpose that create our individual identities;
  • Affirm differences in race, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, religious affiliation, language, socioeconomic status, sexual  preference, age, and appearance;
  • Build a high performing workforce that is built upon and sustained by an atmosphere of trust, equity, and fairness that recognizes  and responds to the individual needs of each and every employee;
  • Build a workforce that is reinforced by our mutual respect for each other and appreciation for our contributions towards accomplishing our mission; and
  • Promote a workplace environment free from personal, professional and social barriers. 

These goals can only be achieved by respecting individual uniqueness while we work together to accomplish our organization's mission.   If you join us at the Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management you will be highly valued and essential to meeting the goals and objectives of our clean-up efforts.  
