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Office of HC Policy, Accountability, and Technology (HC-10)

Mission and Function Statement

This organization supports the program objectives and missions of all Departmental components by (1) developing Department-level human capital management (HCM) and training/development policies, (2) developing human capital management strategies that provide the direction and structure for Departmental HCM programs, (3) developing HCM legislative proposals; (4) supplying HCM policy advice and guidance within the Department; and (5) developing and implementing innovative HCM business solutions relating to corporate recruiting, talent capacity, diversity outreach, and technology innovations.

Strategic directions are influenced by an analysis of budget and workforce projections and plans, congressional mandates, administration goals, Departmental priorities and mission needs.  Human capital management strategies, policy, programs and plans are developed and assessed for overall success and compliance with merit system principals, civil service laws and regulations, and Departmental HCM directives.  This office is the primary representative body for the Department when coordinating with the Office of Personnel Management, the Office of Management and Budget, the General Accounting Office, and other Federal and non-Federal customers and organizations in connection with human resources and human capital management areas of responsibility.