
Other sites that offer information on water and natural resource programs throughout the Southwest.
Department of the Interior Sites

Interior Department Home Page
National Park Service
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Surface Mining
Minerals Management Service
Office of Insular Affairs
Office of the Inspector General

State & International Water Agencies - Colorado River Related

Arizona Dept of Water Resources
Colorado River Commission of Nevada
Colorado River Board of California
International Boundary & Water Commission

General Educational Links

Boulder City/Hoover Dam Museum
Water & Energy Education Foundation 
National Atlas
Water Education Foundation
Hoover Dam Bridge

Water-Related Sites

Arizona Water Banking Authority
Assn of California Water Agencies
California Dept of Water Resources
Central Arizona Project
Coachella Valley Water District
Colorado River Water Users Assn 
Imperial Irrigation District
Metropolitan Water District of SoCal
Salt River Project
Salton Sea Authority
San Diego County Water Authority
Southern Nevada Water Authority
UofA Water Resources Research Cntr

Federally-Managed Lands Along the Lower Colorado River

Grand Canyon National Park
Arizona Strip
Lake Mead/Lake Mohave
Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge
Parker Strip
Bill Williams National Wildlife Refuge
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge
Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Digital Libraries Related to Reclamation Projects, Hoover Dam
and the Colorado River

Colorado Plateau Digital Archives - Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
Colorado River/Central Arizona Project Collection - Arizona State University, Tempe
Digital Collections - University of Arizona, Tucson
Hoover Dam - Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum
Hoover Dam - University of Nevada, Las Vegas 
Hoover Dam: Lonely Lands Made Fruitful - University of Virginia American Studies Program
Informedia/Open Video Project (video clips) - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Las Vegas and Water in the West - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Mountain West Digital Library - University of Utah, Salt Lake City 
Water Resources Archive - Colorado State University Libraries
Water Resources Center Archive - University of California, Berkeley
Western Waters Digital Library

NOTE: These links are provided because they have information that may be of interest to our users. The Bureau of ReclamationDOES NOT necessarily endorse the views expressed or the facts presented on these sites. Nor do we endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on these sites.


Last Updated: 6/25/15