Climate Change
Southeast Region

Questions About Climate? Ask Us!


An image of the earth with a question mark on top

Got a question about climate change in the southeast? Or perhaps you have a suggestion on how we can improve this website? Please contact us!

Please allow us ample time to research and respond to your question. We will also post questions and answers under Your Questions Answered.*

General Climate Questions

Stacy Shelton, Public Affairs Specialist
Email: | Phone: (404) 679-7290

Website Suggestions, Video Downloads

Jennifer Strickland, New Media Specialist


* We reserve the right to ignore vulgar or offensive emails. We will only post questions related to climate change and/or Landscape Conservation Cooperatives.

Please allow ample time for response as your question will be sent to USFWS personnel who are experts in the subject of your inquiry.

Last updated: September 24, 2010