Land-Based Wind

Harnessing wind energy in land environments.

Land-Based Wind


Land-based wind refers to a vast array of technologies used to convert wind into electricity. The most common technology is a three-bladed horizontal axis turbine, but vertical axis turbines are advantageous in some situations. The type, size, and location for each turbine depend on wind availability, wind directionality, access to the grid, accessibility, and potential environmental impacts. Most projects are required to conduct an environmental assessment - EA (or Environmental Impact Statement - EIS) to address environmental concerns that are specific to the specific location.


Of greatest environmental importance to land-based wind are collision risk with birds and bats. The construction and maintenance process can cause habitat destruction and create a barrier effect that separates habitats. There are also concerns about noise and visual impacts to both the environment and people. Research is also looking at large-scale atmospheric changes caused by the removal of wind energy. Transmission lines also produce an electromagnetic field that may be harmful to some organisms.

Total Results: 790
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Bird Migration Intensity and Number of Collision Victims at the Wind Power Plant Le Peuchapatte (Switzerland) Aschwanden, J., Liechti, F. November 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Negative Impact of Wind Energy Development on a Breeding Shorebird Assessed with a BACI Study Design Sansom, A., Pearce-Higgins, J., Douglas, D. July 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Shorebirds
Multiple Mortality Events in Bats: A Global Review O'Shea, T., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Prognosis and Assessment of Bird Collision Risks at Wind Turbines in Northern Germany PROGRESS Grunkorn, T., et al. July 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Birds
Bird Migration Monitoring in the Saint Nikola Wind Farm, Kaliakra Region, in Autumn 2015, and an Analysis of Potential Impact after Six Years of Operation Zehtindjiev, P., Whitfield, D. July 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Birds
Impact of Wind-Energy Generation on Climate: A Rising Spectre Abbasi, S., Abbasi, T., Abbasi, T. June 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Climate Change
Guidelines for Conducting Bird and Bat Studies at Commercial Wind Energy Projects New York State Department of Environmental Conservation June 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Ground-Level Climate at a Peatland Wind Farm in Scotland is Affected by Wind Turbine Operation Armstong, A., et al. April 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Climate Change
Wintering Sandhill Crane Exposure to Wind Energy Development in the Central and Southern Great Plains, USA Pearse, A., Brandt, D., Krapu, G. April 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Reducing the Collision Risk for Bats at Onshore Wind Turbines (RENEBAT II) Behr, O., et al. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Mitigating Wind Energy Impacts on Wildlife: Approaches for Multiple Taxa Arnett, E., May, R. April 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Wind Energy Industry Eagle Detection and Deterrents: Research Gaps and Solutions Workshop Summary Report Sinclair, K., DeGeorge, E. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Framework for Testing the Effectiveness of Bat and Eagle Impact-Reduction Strategies at Wind Energy Projects Sinclair, K., DeGeorge, E. April 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Raptors
Environmental Interview: The Effects of Wind Power on Land-Dwelling Mammals Helldin, J., Skarin, A. March 2016 Video Land-Based Wind Terrestrial Mammals
Input-Output Life Cycle Environmental Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Utility Scale Wind Energy in the United States Kumar, I., Tyner, W., Sinha, K. February 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Climate Change
Effects of Wind-Energy Facilities on Breeding Grassland Bird Distributions Shaffer, J., Buhl, D. February 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Ground-Nesting Birds
Effects of a Wind Energy Development on Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat Selection and Population Demographics in Southeastern Wyoming LeBeau, C., et al. January 2016 Report Land-Based Wind Ground-Nesting Birds
Wind energy: Trends and enabling technologies Kumar, Y., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Social Acceptance of On-Shore Wind Energy in Apulia Region (Southern Italy) Caporale, D., De Lucia, C. December 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Synopsis des internationalen Kenntnisstandes zum Einfluss der Windenergie auf Fledermäuse und Vögel und Spezifizierung für die Schweiz Muller, J., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Ökobilanzierung von Schweizer Windenergie Eymann, L., et al. November 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Birds, Socio-economics
Effects of Wind Farms on Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) in Southern Spain Hernández-Pliego, J., et al. November 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Raptors
Bat Fatalities at Wind Turbines: Investigating the Causes and Consequences Cryan, P. October 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats
Another Blown in the Wind: Bats and the Licensing of Wind Farms in Brazil Valença, R., Bernard, E. October 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats
Wind Farm Construction Impacts Reindeer Migration and Movement Corridors Skarin, A., et al. October 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Impacts of Wind Energy on Environment: A Review Wang, S., Wang, S. September 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
A Quantitative-Based Evaluation of the Environmental Impact and Sustainability of a Proposed Onshore Wind Farm in the United Kingdom Phillips, J. September 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Final progress report of a 12 month pre - construction bat monitoring study for the Proposed Waaihoek Wind Energy Facility near Utrecht, KwaZulu-Natal Kruger, C. August 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats
Landscapes for Energy and Wildlife: Conservation Prioritization for Golden Eagles across Large Spatial Scales Tack, J., Fedy, B. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Raptors
Using Spatial Analyses of Bearded Vulture Movements in Southern Africa to Inform Wind Turbine Placement Reid, T., et al. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Raptors
Co-Creation of Individual-Based Models by Practitioners and Modellers to Inform Environmental Decision-Making Wood, K., Stillman, R., Goss-Custard, J. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Turbines and Terrestrial Vertebrates: Variation in Tortoise Survivorship Between a Wind Energy Facility and an Adjacent Undisturbed Wildland Area in the Desert Southwest (USA) Agha, M., et al. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Evaluation of the Impact of Wind Farms on Birds: The Case Study of Lebanon Al Zohbi, G., Hendrick, P., Bouillard, P. August 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Seasonally-Dynamic Presence-Only Species Distribution Models for a Cryptic Migratory Bat Impacted by Wind Energy Development Hayes, M., Cryan, P., Wunder, M. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Bats
ACME: A Partially Periodic Estimator of Avian & Chiropteran Mortality at Wind Turbines Wolpert, R. July 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
A Collision Risk Model to Predict Avian Fatalities at Wind Facilities: An Example Using Golden Eagles, Aquila chrysaetos New, Leslie, et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Do Habitat Characteristics Determine Mortality Risk for Bats at Wind Farms? Modelling Susceptible Species Activity Patterns and Anticipating Possible Mortality Events Ferreira, D., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Estimating Wind-Turbine Caused Bird and Bat Fatality when Zero Carcasses are Observed Huso, M., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Decision Support Requirements for Wind Farm Placement Planning in Alberta Adagha, O., Carpendale, S., Levy, R. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Action on Multiple Fronts, Illegal Poisoning and Wind Farm Planning, is Required to Reverse the Decline of the Egyptian Vulture in Southern Spain Sanz-Aguilar, A., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Raptors
Game Birds do not Surrogate for Raptors in Trials to Calibrate Observed Raptor Collision Fatalities Urquhart, B., Hulka, S., Duffy, K. June 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
Soundscape Analysis and Wildlife Presence in the Vicinity of a Wind Turbine Florentin, J., et al. June 2015 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Noise
Wide Reach of Migratory Bird Treaty Act for Energy Projects Rosen, J. June 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Repowering Smøla Wind-Power Plant: An Assessment of Avian Conflicts Dahl, E., et al. June 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Raptors
A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Wind Farm Site Selection: A Regional Scale Application in Greece Latinopoulos, D., Kechagia, K. June 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Evaluating the Regional Cumulative Impact of Wind Farms on Birds: How can Spatially Explicit Dynamic Modelling Improve Impact Assessments and Monitoring? Bastos, R., et al. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Passerines
Moving Towards Best Practice for Bird Mortality Mitigation in Wind Power Planning, Sweden McNally, R. May 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Birds
Foraging Range and Habitat use by Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres from the Msikaba Colony, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Pfeiffer, M., Venter, J., Downs, C. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Bat and Bird Detection of the DTBat and DTBird Systems at Calandawind Turbine - Final Report Hanagasioglu, M., et al. May 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Sociological Effects of Wind Farms in Maine Barthold, J. May 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Responses of Male Greater Prairie-Chickens to Wind Energy Development Winder, V., et al. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Migration of Franklin's Gull (Leucophaeus pipixcan) and its Variable Annual Risk from Wind Power Facilities Across the Tehuantepec Isthmus Villegas-Patraca, R., Herrera-Alsina, L. May 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Behavior of the Hawaiian Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) at Wind Turbines and its Distribution Across the North Ko'olau Mountains, O'ahu Gorresen, P., et al. May 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats
Reprioritizing Avian Conservation Efforts DeVault, T. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Birds
Spatial Framework Assessment and Assessment Criteria for On-Shore Wind Energy Development in West Lothian West Lothian Council April 2015 Report Land-Based Wind
Wildlife and Renewable Energy: German Politics Cross Migratory Bats Voigt, C., et al. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Insufficient Sampling to Identify Species Affected by Turbine Collisions Beston, J., Diffendorfer, J., Loss, S. April 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Monitoring of Wintering Geese in the AES Geo Energy Wind Farm "St Nikola" Territory and the Kaliakra Region in Winter 2014/2015 Zehtindjiev, P., Whitfield, D. April 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Waterfowl
Design and Testing of an Integrated Wildlife-Wind Turbine Interactions Detection System Flowers, J. March 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Estimates and Correlates of Bird and Bat Mortality at Small Wind Turbine Sites Minderman, J., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Sustainable Siting Process in Large Wind Farms Case Study in Crete Tsoutsos, T., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Olivebranches and Idiot's Guides: Frameworks for Community Engagement in Australian Wind Farm Development Howard, T. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Socio-economics
The Energy Footprint: How Oil, Natural Gas, and Wind Energy Affect Land for Biodiversity and the Flow of Ecosystem Services Jones, N., Pejchar, L., Kiesecker, J. March 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind
Analysis of Wind Farm Effects on the Surrounding Environment: Assessing Population Trends of Breeding Passerines Garcia, D., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
A GIS-Multicriteria Approach to Analyzing Noise and Visual Impacts of Wind Farms Fang, B. February 2015 Thesis Land-Based Wind Noise
Camera-Trapping as a Methodology to Assess the Persistence of Wildlife Carcasses Resulting from Collisions with Human-Made Structures Paula, J., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device
Deriving an Avoidance Rate for Swans Suitable for Onshore Wind Farm Collision Risk Modelling Whitfield, D., Urquhart, B. February 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Bat Activity in Intensively Farmed Landscapes with Wind Turbines and Offset Measures Millon, L., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats
How to Mitigate Impacts of Wind Farms on Bats? A Review of Potential Conservation Measures in the European Context Peste, F., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Using Environmental Impact Assessment and Post-Construction Monitoring Data to Inform Wind Energy Developments Zwart, M., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Ecosystem
Auditory Recognition of Familiar and Unfamiliar Subjects with Wind Turbine Noise Maffei, L., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Noise Socio-economics
Valuing the Local Impacts of a Large Scale Wind Power Establishment in Northern Sweden: Public and Private Preferences Toward Economic, Environmental and Sociocultural Values Ek, K., Matti, S. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Key Learnings from Ten Years of Monitoring and Management Interventions at the Bluff Point and Studland Bay Wind Farms: Results of a Review Sims, C., et al. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind
Results and Analysis of Eagle Studies from the Bluff Point and Studland Bay Wind Farms 2002-2012 Hull, C., et al. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
2014 Bat Survey Report: Wilton IV Wind Energy Center Burleigh County, North Dakota Wilton Wind IV, LLC January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats
First Report on Bat Mortalities on Wind Farms in Chile Escobar, L., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
First Year Post-Construction Monitoring of Bats and Birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Østerild Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Planning for Net Biodiversity Gains: A Case Study of Hau_uru m_ raki Wind Farm, New Zealand Craig, J., et al. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Ecosystem
In Sowing the Wind, How Ireland could Reap the Whirlwind - A Case Against Irish Wind Development(s) Barrett, E. January 2015 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
First Year Post-Construction Monitoring of Bats and Birds at Wind Turbine Test Centre Therkildsen, O., Elmeros, M. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Wind Farms and Biodiversity: Improving Environmental Risk Assessments Boothroyd, I., Barea, L. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Ecosystem
Observations from the Use of Dogs to Undertake Carcass Searches at Wind Facilities in Australia Bennett, E. January 2015 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Birds and Wind-Energy Best-Practice Guidelines: Best-Practice Guidelines for Assessing and Monitoring the Impact of Wind Energy Facilities on Birds in Southern Africa Jenkins, A., et al. January 2015 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Biodiversity & Wind Energy: A Bird's and Bat's Perspective Mascarenhas, M., et al. January 2015 Book Land-Based Wind Bats, Birds
Wind of Change or Wind of Challenges: Implementation Factors Regarding Wind Energy Development, an International Perspective Gartman, V., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Nest Survival of Red-Winged Blackbirds in Agricultural Areas Developed for Wind Energy Gillespie, M., Dinsmore, S. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Blown in the Wind: Bats and Wind Farms in Brazil Bernard, E., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Bats
Assessing the Influence of Wind Turbines and Land-use on Mortality Risk of Avian Species on the Llano Estacado with Emphasis on Birds of Prey Linner, K. December 2014 Thesis Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Common Raven Occurrence in Relation to Energy Transmission Line Corridors Transiting Human-Altered Sagebrush Steppe Coates, P., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Wind Energy: A Reference Handbook Newton, D. November 2014 Book Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Socio-economics
Study of the Wildlife of Jhampir Wind Corridor, District Thatta, Sindh and Development of Bird Monitoring Strategy in the Area Ghalib, S., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Key Criteria for Sustainable Wind Energy Planning - Lessons from an Institutional Perspective on the Impact Assessment Literature Thygesen, J., Agarwal, A. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Socio-economics
Activity of Tree Bats at Anthropogenic Tall Structures: Implications for Mortality of Bats at Wind Turbines Jameson, J., Willis, C. November 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats
Warning Sounds and Color for Reducing Bird and Bat Mortality at Wind Turbines Khan, S. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Behavior of Bats at Wind Turbines Cryan, P., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats
Predicting the Weather-Dependent Collision Risk for Birds at Wind Farms Skov, H., Heinänen, S. October 2014 Book Chapter Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Wind and Wildlife Fauna Collisions with Wind Turbines: Effects and Impacts, Individuals and Populations. What Are We Trying to Assess? Smales, I. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats, Birds
Evidence of Negative Effects of Anthropogenic Structures on Wildlife: A Review of Grouse Survival and Behaviour Hovick, T., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Static Device Birds
Massive Bat Migration Across the Alps: Implications for Wind Energy Development Bontadina, F., et al. October 2014 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Bats


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