Welcome to SCCOOS

Northeast Pacific Anomalies Workshop 2

January 20th - 21st, 2016 - Seattle Washington

Pacific Anomalies Workshop 1

May 5-6, 2015 - La Jolla California

Hyperion Outfall Diversion

September - October 2015

LA Sanitation will repair the effluent pump station, the discharge system of treated wastewater located at the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant in Playa del Rey.

La Nina Update 2017

Equatorial Pacific Map



SIO Experimental Climate Prediction Center produces a El Nino forecasts called the "Hybrid Coupled Model". The model is forecasting strong La Nina (cold) conditions in the winter of 2016/2017

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Glider Track


Glider measured temperatures at 50 m depth along CalCOFI line 90 (off of Dana Point), averaged over the inshore 200 km and filtered with a 3-month running mean.

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Flooding Index

High waves and tides at Cardiff, CA occasionally flood adjacent parking lots, and less frequently impacts traffic on hte bordering Highway 101.

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Cardiff Beach Width


The beach width (average distance from highway 101 shoulder to mean sea level contour) at Cardiff  State Beach, CA.
The minimum average beach width (about 22 m) was during the 2010/11 El Nino. The maximum beach width  (about 63m) was immediately after a 2013 beach nourishment.  In mid-January 2016, the beach is the narrowest since 2012, before the nourishment.

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Mean Sea Level Trend


The plot shows the monthly mean sea level without the regular seasonal fluctuations due to coastal ocean temperatures, salinities, winds, atmospheric pressures, and ocean currents.

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CNRA News Brief

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On September 22, 2015 the OPC held an informational workshop regarding the El Niño and its impacts on living marine resources, and explored specific impacts on a few economically important fisheries in California.

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