Ecological Services
Southwest Region

Texas Coastal Program

  partners working together
  aerial view of taxas coastal areas
people fishing along the texas coast
Photo credits: USFWS

Cooperating for Conservation

Working for coastal ecosystem conservation, the Texas Coastal Program has, since 2003:

  • Invested $2.8 million into on-the-ground solutions
  • Leveraged $16 million with partners
  • Conserved over 42,000 acres of coastal wetland and upland habitats

The challenges facing the Texas Gulf Coast will require strong partnerships and creative solutions. The Coastal Program will be needed more than ever to play a leadership role in fostering the relationships and developing the ideas that will meet those challenges.

Coastal Habitats Are Important

Coastal habitats help maintain water quality, protect communities from
tropical storms and reduce flooding.

Coastal Habitats Support:
• 85% of migratory songbirds
• 77% of fish and shellfish
• 92% of shorebirds
• 45% of threatened & endangered species
• 90% of all seafood species

Coastal Habitats Provide an Economic Boost to Texas

Texas leads the nation in the number of hunters, anglers, and hunting expenditures. 75% of the 35-million Americans who fish or hunt live in coastal states.

Annually, in Texas these benefits add up to:
• Hunting - $2.3 billion
• Commercial fishing - $358 million
• Recreational fishing - $3.2 billion
• Tourism - $7.5 billion
• Wildlife viewing - $2.9 billion
• Texas is the number one birding destination in the U.S.

Last updated: June 23, 2015