Table 10.3. Demand-Side Management Program Incremental Effects by Program Category,
2005 through 2012 (Table Discontinued)

  Energy Efficiency Load Management Total
Year Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW) Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) Potential Peak Load Reduction (MW) Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW) Energy Savings (Thousand MWh) Actual Peak Load Reduction (MW)
2005 5,879 1,705 137 2,223 1,162 6,016 2,867
2006 5,394 1,268 99 2,817 1,690 5,492 2,958
2007 7,680 1,998 137 4,765 2,392 7,817 4,390
2008 10,428 6,327 168 7,253 3,292 10,596 9,619
2009 12,907 3,721 65 6,042 2,224 12,972 5,945
2010 13,592 3,215 46 5,234 2,709 13,639 5,923
2011 21,421 3,974 135 4,043 2,062 21,556 6,036
2012 21,478 3,764 41 5,357 2,671 21,520 6,435

2012 was the last year this data was collected.
Previously, large and small respondents were published separately, now they are combined.
Non-Utility DSM Administrators are included in the 2011 data. See technical notes for list.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."